The (Probable) Winner for The Escape Artist E-book Cover
Counting all the votes on my blog and Facebook page, it looks like this cover is the winner for the e-book reissue of The Escape Artist. First, I’ll play with it a little–soften the focus and tweak a few other things to make it more to my liking. But I do love this little guy. He is perfect for Tyler in the book.
Second place was this one, which I love as well, but she needs to have a little boy holding her hand and I couldn’t find any great stock images that convey both the feeling of this image but also have a mom and a little boy–plus the wonderful colors of her dress and suitcase.
Most of us agreed that this cover was just plain inappropriate to the story and the character who is a young and scared mom, not a slut. When I spotted this stock image with the paintbrushes, though, I was smitten. It’s wrong for the book, however, so I’m tossing it.
Finally, several of you liked this one, which was my favorite but again wrong for the book. A couple of you mentioned the Goth/Twilight look of it and that’s an accurate assessment. I saw the timelessness, the pensiveness, the romance and the artistry. I just think it’s a pretty cover. Again, though, it’s wrong for the book, so out it goes.
Therefore, the worried little boy is the winner. . . unless I find the perfect mom-and-son-on-the-open-road picture. Thanks for helping me make the decision!
Good choice Diane…when I initially looked at the 4 covers, I was drawn to A but because she did not have a little boy with her I scratched it…I loved C because of the paint brushes but the cutoffs were just wrong…like you, I was drawn to B because of the timelessness but if was not right for the story…D says it all and I pictured Tyler looking just like this little boy.
On a different note, are you completely done with THE MIDWIFE’S CONFESSION?
Margo, I’m waiting to hear what my editor thinks of the revisions. I imagine I’ll have another round of tweaking, but nothing like the last time. At least I hope that’s the case!
Great choice. I hope the book is ALMOST finished for you too-can’t wait
Goodness Diane, it’s almost like you completely re-wrote the
book as it is…surely they will be thrilled with it…I remember when you completed it the first time, you told us you LOVED it…do you love it even more now that you’ve revised it?…sometimes I wonder if making such drastic revisions changes the original spirit of the work?…probably not…knowing you, your day & night nonstop efforts undoubtedly enhance the story.
Yes, I love it MUCH more! It has a new, rich thread in it that really works. But there are always things in need of fixing. I hope to hear soon.
We finally have had a ‘cool-down’ from the extremely hot weather this summer…not sure about everyone else but our Iowa temps were outrageous this year with heat index’s over 105 most of the time…this past week it cooled down to the 70’s during the day and 50’s at nite and I love it…Diane, remember your blog about cooking?…well, I have to tell you this kind of weather puts me in the mood to be in my kitchen & that’s what I’m doing today…making a nice homemade pot roast dinner with all the vegetables for my family.
Just felt like sharing that little tidbit today. (-O:
Thanks for sharing, Margo. I can’t wait for pot roast weather! Still 90 here today. Enjoy the cooler temps.
In 90’s here too…good luck with your meal, Margo-sounds good-the veggies…send them my way.