Signing Books at Quarter Moon Books and Gifts!

How I love Quarter Moon Books! Every year, owner Lori Fisher has tweaked her wonderful Topsail Beach store in some exciting new way. This year, she added a patio out front where people can enjoy a smoothie or sip wine from the new wine bar. I love signing books at QMB because, in addition to…

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Ahh. . . Topsail Island

At my home away from home. Working, of course, but what a place to work! The beach is now wide and beautiful. (Here’s my blog post made during the renourishment). The change is amazing! I’ll be at Quarter Moon Books Friday from 2-4. Stop by!

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Home for Thirty Hours Before Taking off Again

Home from New Jersey and New York! Well, for about thirty hours, anyway, before we take off for the beach. I thought I’d share some pictures from the week with you. I started out at a speaking engagement in Lakewood, New Jersey. The audience was so fabulous and responsive and I had a great time.…

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The Many Faces of Keeper of the Light

In celebration of Keeper of the Light’s reissue, I thought I’d share some of its many covers, starting with (gulp) the original. This cover never made it to the bookstore because my agent and I both screamed so loudly when we saw it that the art department at HarperCollins cowered in fear. Keeper of the…

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Keeper of the Light is Back

I know you’re not supposed to love some of your children more than others, but I can’t help it. Keeper of the Light has always been one of my favorites of my books. It was originally published in hardcover in 1992 and mass market paperback in 1993, then reissued about ten years ago in trade…

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Beach Renourishment in my Backyard

Well, I brought my work-in-progress down to my Topsail Island condo for some quality revision time. I knew the Topsail Beach beach renourishment project was in full swing, but I didn’t realize I’d have a front row seat for the show! It’s hard to get anything done when I’m riveted by what’s going on outside…

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Let's Perk Up the Private Relations Cover

It’ll still be a month or so before I’m able to make Private Relations available for those of you who have e-readers, but I’m excited about freshening up the old cover. Private Relations was my very first novel. It’s the story of two men and three women who live together in a big house on the Jersey…

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