Posts Tagged ‘Novelists’
Rules for Becoming a Full-Time Writer
For my blog post today, I’m stealing something Kasey Michaels wrote on the Novelists, Inc authors’ loop–with her permission of course. This was in response to a writer who is about to quit her day job to write full time. So much of what Kasey says resonates with me. Some of it makes me nod…
Read MoreFather's Day, Don Ho and the Hula
Today is Father’s Day, so I posted this picture of my Dad as my Facebook status. It generated much interest (and a few questions), so I decided to blog about it. My parents, both of whom I lost during this last decade, were . . . unusual. They were a pretty typical mom and dad…
Read MoreCome to the Online Book Signing!
Can’t make it to one of my signings but would love to have The Lies We Told personalized to you or a friend? Here’s your chance and it’s absolutely free. Come to the Online Book Signing! Just click here and you’ll be transported to the bookplate page. The instructions are easy and you may request…
Read MoreBookclub Bonding
I had such a treat this evening. I received an email a while back from a woman named Jodi who invited me to visit her bookclub. All the women in her club work at a preschool in Cary, NC, but they spend a weekend together on Topsail Island each year. It so happened they’re on…
Read MoreKnow When to Fold 'Em
Whoa, this is what I look like after a few weeks of working ’round the clock. Tired. John snapped this pic of me at Starbucks this morning while I was writing. He said “Give me a big smile!” and I thought I was. I think I’m fried! It’s always this way in the month before…
Read MoreWhat's Your Quirk?
Today I was twice reminded that I have a quirk. This morning, I received a request to speak at an event and had to ask my standard question: “Can you describe the venue to me, please?” Here is my ideal venue in which to speak. It’s a large, low-ceilinged room, perhaps a meeting room or ballroom…
Read MoreResolution Time!
I’m a believer in resolutions. I don’t always keep them, but there’s something about that “fresh start feeling” that has great appeal to me. I have a slew of resolutions this year. Here goes: -Work at writing as though it’s a 9 to 5 job. This may sound like a no-brainer, especially to those of you…
Read MoreUp, Up and . . . Down.
Over the next few posts, I’m going to share some of the research that went into the writing of my recently resissued novel, Breaking the Silence. I’ll write about the secret CIA Mind Control experiments in which my character, Sarah Tolley, was a participant, and I’ll talk about my personal experience with selective mutism, which is five-year-old Emma’s affliction. …
Read MoreCool New Toy
Want to waste some time? Go to Wordle and paste in something you’ve written. Wordle creates a word cloud displaying the words in your document according to how often you’ve used them. You can pick out any colors and fonts and layout you like. I’ve pasted the first chapter from Breaking the Silence (which you can…
Read MoreBalderdash!
I drove down the long gravel driveway to the Weymouth mansion Thursday afternoon with a prayer of gratitude on my lips. Coming here is like flipping a switch from the world of laundry and grocery shopping and doctors’ appointments and phone calls to the world of writing and nature and friends. Sarah Shaber was the first…
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