A Few Very Full Days

This is the view from my hotel window in Wilmington, NC. I love being on the river. . . the river that floods in The Lies We Told. Makes me glad I’m way up high! I’m here doing a couple of days of promotion.  Yesterday was a huge Luncheon With NC Authors, a fundraiser for…

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A Few More Topsail Island Party Pix

With my honey, John. So rare for him to be in front of the camera rather than behind it!                   With some of the guests–Mike and Linda Hendricks and Sandy Sly. Everyone on Topsail Island looks so tanned and healthy. It’s clear that beach living agrees with…

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What a Weekend! Part One. . .

The contest continues! Win a vacation on Topsail Island and help me celebrate my 20 years as an author by clicking here to learn more. You may enter once a day.   We just returned from a wonderful weekend in Wilmington and Wrightsville Beach, NC. I’d never been to either place, and since my current work-in-progress is…

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