A Few Very Full Days

viewThis is the view from my hotel window in Wilmington, NC. I love being on the river. . . the river that floods in The Lies We Told. Makes me glad I’m way up high!

I’m here doing a couple of days of promotion.  Yesterday was a huge Luncheon With NC Authors, a fundraiser for the creative writing scholarships at Cape Fear Community College. The place was packed and it was a wonderful opportunity for me and several other authors to meet new readers.luncheon

Then bright and early this morning (6:30 am is way early for me. Not sure how “bright” I was), I was interviewed on WWAY, a Wilmington TV station. Last year, I had a wardrobe malfunction prior to that interview, and this year the same thing happened. Well, almost the same thing. I was caught in a downpour last night and my “TV clothes” were soaked. Plus the hem in my black pants somehow disappeared. But I was able to come up with an alternative outfit for my 60 seconds of fame this morning!

Quick nap, and then I went to the NPR station where I was interviewed by Jemila Erickson, one of the finest interviewers in the business. Jemila knows how to get to the heart of a book during an interview. Then my publicists, Tori and Kim, took me to lunch at Jester’s Corner. Yum!

I had an hour to catch my breath before my signing at Two Sisters Bookery. Thank you to my local readers for stopping by and to the new readers willing to take a chance on my books. Finally, I had dinner at Tori and Kim’s, where I played with Kim’s Sheltie, Brody–one of the highlights of the trip!

It’s been a rewarding few days. Any time I can communicate with my readers, my friends, and an adorable dog is a good time for me.


  1. Denise on June 12, 2010 at 10:12 am

    I’m glad you took care of the second wardrobe malfuntion. It sounds like you had a full but fun-filled few days!

  2. Margo on June 12, 2010 at 10:49 am

    Wardrobe malfunction 2 years in a row!…I bet you couldn’t believe it!…Your Wilmington readers are so lucky to meet you Diane…I think it’s wonderful you travel around your area to meet old friends and new…it is a thrill for readers to meet an author in person…we sometimes have famous authors sign at our local bookstores and when I stand in line waiting for that precious moment to shake their hand, its the most unbelievable experience. Someday, I will make it to NC and I’ll wait in line with others to finally get the chance to hug my favorite author in the world. (-O:

  3. Joann on June 12, 2010 at 3:44 pm

    Just wanted to tell you that Elaine started and finished your book while she was at a weeklong meeting for nuclear physicists. She just loved it!

  4. Jane Squires on June 13, 2010 at 5:13 pm

    Love the view. Would love to read and review your book. I review on about 7 sites.
    Please enter me in a chance to win the “Sisters” frame and book.

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