Posts Tagged ‘Wilmington NC’
Booksigning in Topsail
I had a long but fun day today. I drove three hours to Topsail Island for a signing, then three hours home. It was hard to be in one of my favorite places in the world and not be able to spend more time there, but I have too much to do here at home.…
Read More"Humanity in Orange Shirts"
The best part of being a published author is being able to reach readers far and wide with my stories. Every once in a while, I’m reminded of exactly how far and wide, and it’s always an eye-opener. With their permission, I’d like to share with you some communication I’ve had recently with a not-your-typical-bookclub.…
Read MoreBook Launch!
I had a blast last night at the official book launch for The Lies We Told at Quail Ridge Books in Raleigh. Here are some pix. 1. Chatting about the book. 2. Yum! 3. my writing buds, Sarah Shaber, Brenda Witchger, Margaret Maron, Alexandra Sokoloff, and Quail Ridge Books owner, Nancy Olson, who brought us…
Read MoreCome to the Online Book Signing!
Can’t make it to one of my signings but would love to have The Lies We Told personalized to you or a friend? Here’s your chance and it’s absolutely free. Come to the Online Book Signing! Just click here and you’ll be transported to the bookplate page. The instructions are easy and you may request…
Read MoreThe Lies We Told Trailer
It’s back! Now that The Lies We Told is officially available, I wanted to share the trailer John and I created again. Enjoy!
Read MoreWhirlwind at the BEA
I’ve spent the past two days in New York at the Book Expo, meeting the booksellers and librarians who sell (and read) my books. The BEA is absolutely wild, filled with your favorite authors giving away signed copies of their books by the boxload. It’s a wonderful way to alert booksellers to the books that are…
Read MoreThe Lies We Told Launch Day!
Two sisters are very close . . . or are they? One of them dies . . . or does she? Her husband grieves with the surviving sister, and they grow very, very close. Exactly how close? And what the heck is really going on? This was the seedling of an idea that prompted the storyline…
Read MoreVote for the Secret Lives e-book Cover (Scroll Down)
A. B. C. I’m experimenting! I plan to release my third book, Secret Lives, as an e-book. When people ask me which of…
Read MoreFinished! (And a First and Fifth Draft Comparison)
I finished The Midwife’s Confession yesterday and John and I are going to see Wicked this evening to celebrate. Yeah! The last month of writing a book is sheer torture; there seems to be no way around it. Every time, I tell myself I’ll figure out a way to prevent that last month from…
Read MoreKnow When to Fold 'Em
Whoa, this is what I look like after a few weeks of working ’round the clock. Tired. John snapped this pic of me at Starbucks this morning while I was writing. He said “Give me a big smile!” and I thought I was. I think I’m fried! It’s always this way in the month before…
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