What's Wrong with this Picture?

I was going through my pictures from last week’s retreat with my fellow writers when I came across this one. I didn’t notice it when I snapped the pic, but my bud Alexandra Sokoloff, ordinarily so beautiful, looks a little . . . octopus-like, doesn’t she? It took me a minute to realize she was…

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Story Weekend: Ghosts

I’ve spent the last week with five of my writer friends at the beautiful Weymouth Mansion, where serious North Carolina writers are allowed to stay and work for up to two weeks each year. We try to come each spring and fall and we get so much done on our works-in-progress. The mansion has a…

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Sneak Peek at the Keeper of the Light Cover!

I’ve been waiting for this one! Keeper of the Light has had a long history. It was my fourth novel, published way back in the early nineties and set in North Carolina’s Outer Banks. It sold zillions (slight exaggeration) and was definitely my most popular novel until The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes came along.…

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First Full Day at the Mansion

We all arrived at the Weymouth Center for the Arts for our writers’ retreat yesterday and immediately got to work, followed by dinner (Sarah made yummy quiches), lots of M and M peanuts, and a rousing game of Apples to Apples. This morning, we had our goal-setting meeting for the day. Mary Kay Andrews, as always,…

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