Fire and Rain is now an e-book!

Fire and Rain is now available for your Kindle through Amazon or your Nook through Barnes and Noble, as well as in any other e-reading format through (though it’s probably not yet in the Apple Bookstore. That takes a little longer). As you can see, I nixed all the cover ideas I’d been considering in favor…

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The Fire and Rain E-Book Needs a Cover!

I’m working on my out of print book, Fire and Rain, editing and formatting it to join the other older books I’ve put up as ebooks. Fire and Rain is the story of a small drought-ridden town in San Diego County, where buildings are burning and crops are dying. A stranger comes to town, promising he…

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Please Help Me Choose!

It’s been fun having Secret Lives available as an e-book and I’ve enjoyed hearing from those of you who are reading it for the first time. Now I need to figure out which of my out-of-print books I should make available next. Whether you read e-books or not, I’d love your help in this decision.…

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