The Lies We Told Launch Day!

Two sisters are very close . . . or are they? One of them dies . . . or does she? Her husband grieves with the surviving sister, and they grow very, very close. Exactly how close? And what the heck is really going on? This was the seedling of an idea that prompted the storyline…

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The Secret Lives Cover, Revisited

I think I finally got it right. This will be the cover for the e-book version of my oldie-but-goodie, Secret Lives, which will be out at the end of June. I’ll tell you more about the book when it gets closer. I know many of you liked that dramatic “woman peeking through the cave” cover,…

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Finished! (And a First and Fifth Draft Comparison)

          I finished The Midwife’s Confession  yesterday and John and I are going to see Wicked this evening to celebrate. Yeah! The last month of writing a book is sheer torture; there seems to be no way around it. Every time, I tell myself I’ll figure out a way to prevent that last month from…

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Wordle Time!

I’ve completed draft four of  The Midwife’s Confession (well except for the epilogue), so it’s time to see how it looks on Wordle! Wordle helps me see what words I’ve overused. Of course the character names (and there are a lot of them!) are all over the place. Noelle, front and center, is the midwife.…

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Bookclub Bonding

I had such a treat this evening. I received an email a while back from a woman named Jodi who invited me to visit her bookclub. All the women in her club work at a preschool in Cary, NC, but they spend a weekend together on Topsail Island each year. It so happened they’re on…

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Know When to Fold 'Em

Whoa, this is what I look like after a few weeks of working ’round the clock. Tired. John snapped this pic of me at Starbucks this morning while I was writing. He said “Give me a big smile!” and I thought I was. I think I’m fried! It’s always this way in the month before…

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Sometimes Change is Good

If you had a chance to change something you created a decade ago, would you take it?  I have that opportunity as some of my older books are being reissued, and since I’ve been asked if the reissued books are identical to the originals, I thought I’d talk about that here. The truth is, it varies from book to…

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I Honestly Don't Know How I Wrote that First Book!

I’m not talking about how hard it was to come up with the idea; that had been rolling around in my mind since I was twelve. I’m not talking about the challenge of structuring the story; I made it simple and told it in chronological order. I’m not talking about creating believable characters; I’d known…

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