
Tomorrow I begin the outline for my current, as yet untitled, WIP (Work in Progress). I’m excited and nervous. Excited because I’m embarking on a new story with new characters, and nervous for the same reason. When you have the unknown stretched out in front of you–along with a deadline that’s mere months away (August)–it…

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Creating a Story: Day 3

I’m sitting cramped in a corner of the library at the First Colony Inn in Nags Head, where all the photographers at John’s workshop are buzzing around me, working on their images. We’ve already checked out of our room, thus the reason I’m in the library. Not sure how much more work I’ll be able…

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Creating a Story: Day 2

I’m off to breakfast, but wanted to quickly catch you up on the second day of creating a story. Here’s what I did: I changed my mind about a couple of the Points of View, settling for now on four women, three of them thirty-nine/forty and one eighteen.  I finished the character sketches. I named…

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