Why this Box Made Me Cry (and a Give-away)

 In the days before e-books, here’s how it went for most authors: you spent a couple of years pouring your heart and soul into a book, which was then published, sat in the bookstores for a few months and then quietly disappeared forever. This was a typical scenario for most novels (and still is for…

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Stress Dreams

John always tells me “Never let them see you sweat.” Well, that’s just not who I am. I’m sweating and I don’t care who knows it! Diane on Deadline is not a pretty sight, but I’ve got a smile on my face as I type this and I know it’s because, while I’m completely freaked…

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My New Process

The Midwife’s Confession will be out in late April and I can’t wait, but it’s hard for me to believe that I need to turn in another book before then.  As my faithful blog readers know, I spent a couple of extra months revising The Midwife’s Confession, and while I’m absolutely thrilled with the way it…

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You Never Sausage a Book!

You know how people say they don’t want to watch sausage being made? Well, I feel as though I invited you, my readers, to watch the writing equivalent of sausage making as you followed my painful progression through the creation of  The Midwife’s Confession. It began a long time ago, when after a couple of months of…

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Sneak Peek at the Cover of The Lies We Told

          The cover for The Lies We Told, which I just completed and which will be published June 2010. I love it, but the hair color of the sisters doesn’t match the story exactly. How much would that bother you as readers? If I view the image as more representational than literal,…

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Crazy About Writing

Years ago, my then-husband and I were driving through the countryside in a pouring rain. I was working on my second novel back then, and was utterly entranced with the process. As we drove through the downpour, I noticed a group of cows huddled together under a tree, and my heart broke for them. “I feel…

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How Do You Read?

Want to win a copy of The Courage Tree? Check out Emilie Richards’ interview of me on her blog and leave a comment. Good luck! In my last post (which must have set a record for the number of comments on my blog!), several people mentioned two quirks about reading novels that fascinated me. The…

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