Some Stuff About Kiss River

Kiss River is the middle book of the Keeper of the Light trilogy and I’m happy that my publisher is giving the whole trilogy a second life by re-releasing the books one by one. The first book, Keeper of the Light, came out in April. Kiss River was published today. And the final book, Her…

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Sneak Peek at the Kiss River Cover

Not only can you peek at the cover, you can even pre-order it (along with the book!) at Amazon or Barnes and Noble or your local bookstore. Kiss River, in case you don’t know, is the middle book of the Keeper of the Light trilogy set in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. You can…

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I Want to Zipline! What's Your Fantasy Adventure?

Today’s paper had an article on all the places to zip line in North Carolina. I love anything that gets me up in the air, so the article really got me excited. I have a feeling I’ll never get to zip line, though. I’m not sure it’s the best activity for someone with funky joints,…

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Home for Thirty Hours Before Taking off Again

Home from New Jersey and New York! Well, for about thirty hours, anyway, before we take off for the beach. I thought I’d share some pictures from the week with you. I started out at a speaking engagement in Lakewood, New Jersey. The audience was so fabulous and responsive and I had a great time.…

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Can You Help Me Come up with a Prize Idea?

First, I may be slightly absent this week, as far as a new blog post goes, though I’ll check your comments at least once a day, I promise. My work-in-progress (formerly known as The Waif–still waiting to hear which title the publishers like) is due a week from today and that means I’ll be tied…

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Keeper of the Light is Back

I know you’re not supposed to love some of your children more than others, but I can’t help it. Keeper of the Light has always been one of my favorites of my books. It was originally published in hardcover in 1992 and mass market paperback in 1993, then reissued about ten years ago in trade…

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Beach Renourishment in my Backyard

Well, I brought my work-in-progress down to my Topsail Island condo for some quality revision time. I knew the Topsail Beach beach renourishment project was in full swing, but I didn’t realize I’d have a front row seat for the show! It’s hard to get anything done when I’m riveted by what’s going on outside…

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Giving Up on Character Names

No, I’m not going to start numbering the people in my books, but I am hereby abandoning my obsessive need to give each character a brand new, never before used, name.  A couple of years ago, I asked my assistant to go through my books (seventeen at the time) and list all the first names…

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Sneak Peek at the Keeper of the Light Cover!

I’ve been waiting for this one! Keeper of the Light has had a long history. It was my fourth novel, published way back in the early nineties and set in North Carolina’s Outer Banks. It sold zillions (slight exaggeration) and was definitely my most popular novel until The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes came along.…

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Winning Cover for The Escape Artist E-book

Thank you for all your votes! I tallied up the votes both here and on Facebook and this image is the clear winner with 34 votes.  Second place was the little boy peering over the woman’s shoulder (24), which I have to admit fits the book very well, but one reader mentioned that the little…

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