The Happy Insomniac

Yeah, that’s me. Well, I’m also waking up tired, but that’s beside the point. I absolutely love it when the reason I can’t sleep is that ideas for my work-in-progress are popping into my mind so quickly I can barely keep track of them.  Example from last night: A door that should have been locked…

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Story Weekend: Insomnia

The theme for this Story Weekend is driven by the fact that it’s 3:13 am and I am still awake. I can’t seem to turn off my mind. I’m thinking about my work in progress, a sick friend, how badly the house needs vacuuming, the video John and I are making tomorrow, etcetera etcetera. So…

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Sleep. . . or the Lack Thereof

Can we talk about sleep? I’d love to know your falling asleep tricks, because I need some! The first problem is that I’m a natural nightowl and always have been. As a little kid, I couldn’t wait to go to bed so I could lay awake making up stories. It probably took me two hours…

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