Life Without Television
Okay, the title of this post is a bit of an exaggeration. Our 60″ TV died, rather dramatically, and now we’re left to realize just how much TV we watch. We’re not completely lacking: we do have a small TV in the bedroom and we watched Mad Men last night and will watch Smash tonight.…
Read MoreKids and Computers
I was in the Apple Store this weekend (bad idea. On the weekend, Apple Stores smell like my old high school locker room, but I really had no choice.) My second iPad had died and needed to be replaced. While I was waiting for my appointment with the genius, I watched the kids at the…
Read MoreThoughts from the Carolina Coast
Yet another gorgeous day on Topsail Island. The photo is one of many John made on “our” beach yesterday. I just came in from sitting on the deck, staring out to sea. It’s the sort of view that makes nothing earthly matter. Not the dirty carpet, the door that sticks, not rheumatoid arthritis or the…
Read MoreUnder the Gun . . .
. . . so you’ll have to bear with me this week! I’m on deadline to turn in my revisions for The Good Father and decided late in the game that an epilogue was desperately needed (you know how I love epilogues!). Plus I’m dealing with some storm issues (not mine, but family, doing what…
Read MoreStory Weekend: Computer Games
My theme for this week’s Story Weekend came to me from my seven-year-old grandson. I’ve managed to avoid Angry Birds all this time, but while spending the day with him Tuesday, he introduced me to the vengeful little critters, and in an effort to bond more fully with him, I indulged. And now I pay…
Read MoreHappy Fourth of July!
I hope you’re having as good a Fourth of July weekend as we are. We started out at the Roundabout Gallery on Friday night, where John was a featured artist with some of his Red, White and Blue work. Even though all the photos look very different because of the way John treated them, all the close-ups were…
Read MoreThe Wackiest Person You Know and Love–Story Weekend
We all have at least one of them in our lives–that person who marches to the beat of a different drummer but whom we love to pieces. Who’s the wackiest-but-lovable person in your life? If you’re new to Story Weekend, it’s an opportunity to share a tiny snippet of your life with my fellow blog readers.…
Read MoreI'm Taking an Actual Vacation!
Yes, I’m spending five blissful days in San Jose, visiting my stepdaughter and her husband and daughter. I’m not doing any work while I’m here! Friends, family and avid readers of my blog know how rare that is and I’m really getting into this whole relaxing thing. Of course I’m still keeping up with my…
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