Under the Gun . . .

. . . so you’ll have to bear with me this week! I’m on deadline to turn in my revisions for The Good Father and decided late in the game that an epilogue was desperately needed (you know how I love epilogues!). Plus I’m dealing with some storm issues (not mine, but  family, doing what I can do from far away). Everyone’s safe, just uncomfortable. We lucked out here in Raleigh, and word has it that even my beach condo was spared. I only wish everyone had been so lucky.

I’ll try to check in later this week on the blog. Meanwhile, I’ll let my new grandbaby and her sister entertain you!


  1. Tracey Steele on August 29, 2011 at 1:42 am

    What a lovely pic. That is one proud-looking big sister!

  2. Margo on August 29, 2011 at 7:37 am

    Ahhhhhh Diane, congratulations on another grandbaby! Big sis looks so happy and proud…beautiful picture.
    I’m glad to know everyone is safe in your family. We were glued to CNN all weekend and felt bad for those who had damage or casualties.
    THE GOOD FATHER…so excited about it for 2012 and glad you’re including an epilogue, which is something I always look forward to in your books.
    Try not to stress…you’ll get everything done.

  3. Diane Chamberlain on August 29, 2011 at 3:03 pm

    Big Sis is so excited, and she’s going to be great at it. Only wish I lived closer than 3000 miles!

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