Creating a Story: Day 3


I’m sitting cramped in a corner of the library at the First Colony Inn in Nags Head, where all the photographers at John’s workshop are buzzing around me, working on their images. We’ve already checked out of our room, thus the reason I’m in the library. Not sure how much more work I’ll be able to get done before we have to take off, because any minute they’ll be starting the slideshow of some of the images people took during the workshop, and I know I’ll want to watch. I didn’t finish the synopsis, but I made excellent progress and hope I can finish it tomorrow because Tuesday I’ll be working at a campaign office all day (election day) so I don’t sit home, chewing my nails down to my knuckles.  

Here’s what I accomplished yesterday and this morning: I outlined the story by weaving together the four Point-of-View characters’ actions that I wrote up the day before. In scenes in which more than one character appears, I decided who had the most emotional investment in the interaction and determined that that person will have the POV in that scene. I’m about two thirds of the way through, and it gets harder as I move toward the climax and all the complex elements of the story come together. As I work on this, I have to keep going back to my character sketches to remind myself of the characters’ various strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately, this will be second nature, but I’m still just getting to know them. I also came up with a working title, which I’ll keep to myself for the moment.

So that’s it! Looks like I have a few minutes before the slideshow starts, so I’m going to squeeze in a little work. See you from home tomorrow!


  1. Margo on November 2, 2008 at 5:05 pm

    Diane, you have me SO excited about this new WIP that was created in the Outer Banks!…I have broken my own rule and turned on my home computer over the entire weekend just to keep up on what you are writing! Thank you so much for sharing your creative process as you begin a new novel…it means so much to us that love you and your books.
    I’ll be thinking of you at the election office Tues…I went to my fav candidates huge rally Fri and joined with over 25,000 people to cheer him on…like you, I will be biting nails all day Tues and probably will get no sleep as I stay up most of the nite for election returns.

  2. Denise on November 3, 2008 at 12:00 pm

    I, too, am so excited about this new book!!!

  3. Margo on November 4, 2008 at 8:48 am

    Everyone, does this gorgeous picture make you yearn for more Outer Banks books by Diane?…I wish I were there! I bet this is another gorgeous photo taken by John…I LOVE how he captured the colors and mood of the beach and lighthouse…such a talented man.

  4. Diane Chamberlain on November 4, 2008 at 4:55 pm

    Actually, this is not John’s photo. It’s a public domain shot from It IS gorgeous isn’t it?

  5. Trina Allen on November 6, 2008 at 4:33 pm

    I’m enjoying your “Creating a Story” posts. I find your process interesting and inspiring. I may model my writing process for my next novel on yours–that is after I finally decide which idea to work on. I’m not sure I can write the synopsis first, although I’d like to try it.
    Thanks for sharing this!

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