Story Weekend: Who Would You Dedicate a Book to?
I’m sitting in Starbucks working on the dedication and acknowledgement pages for my September book, Necessary Lies, and it prompted an idea for this weekend’s Story Weekend: If you were writing a book right now, who would you dedicate it to and why?
If you’re new to Story Weekend, here’s how it works: I pick a theme and you share something from your life that relates to that theme, however you interpret it. Thanks to all of you who’ve been contributing. As always, there are a few “rules”:
▪ The story must be true
▪ Try to keep it under 100 words. Embrace the challenge! That’s about six or seven lines in the comment form. I want others to read your story, and most people tend to skip if it’s too long. I know how tough it is to “write tight” but I hope you’ll accept this as a challenge.
My third grade teacher told me that she believed I would write a book one day. It was my dream to be a writer when I grew up and that meant a lot. She told me that when it happened she’d like my first book dedicated to her. That night I went home and tried to write my first novel. I’ve made some more starts over the years but have never came close to finishing one. However, it would be dedicated to her if I ever did.
I hope you’ll keep trying Sarah. It’s hard…every single time I start working on one, I’m reminded just how hard it is. . . but so worth it!
I would dedicate my book to my parents. They are the ones who encouraged reading by example both by reading to us and always reading themselves. My elementary school librarian helped me immensely by encouraging me to volunteer in the library and suggesting books to read. The loss of librarians in so many schools now bothers me so much. And last but not least the authors. May you keep writing so I can keep being inspired.
I’m with you about the librarians, Kelly!
Well, let’s clarify (because I dream big!): First YA book goes to kids, because my son cried when my name was listed in a book and his wasn’t. And, they’re my pride and joy. First kids’ picture book goes to my Grandma Arden and mother because of their inspiration and love of writing and reading they instilled in me so early. Second YA book in my trilogy goes to Jes Young, whom I consider my writing mentor; she taught me so much when I got to edit her 2nd book “Underneath.” My third YA book and last in my trilogy will go my hubby. Sounds strange to make him wait until book three, but three is a magical and lucky number for me – so I saved the best for last! Plus, he’s my happy-ever-after so it just seems fitting to let him be the last in my book’s trilogy since he was the last man to steal my heart.
I love that you’ve really though this out!
I would dedicate a book to my daughter in Heaven, Rebecca Joy Pritchard, She was born on September 8, 1979 and was severely brain damaged from birth trauma and oxygen loss during delivery. She was wrapped in the umbilical cord. We turned this sad part of our lives that very day into a blessing and a lesson in life as a gift from God, and lovingly cared for her at home until. she passed away from a year battle with kidney failure, on November 11, 2004 at age 25. We miss her and love her so much. And hold her in a special place in our hearts till we meet again. <3
Cathy, I’m so sorry for your loss, and admire your love and care for Rebecca.
I would dedicate a book to my mother. She was an avid reader and singer. Mother loved words especially crossword puzzles. My mother, Thelma, taught me to love reading . She was my inspiration until the day she died.
My mom was the crossword puzzle queen, too, Francine.
I would dedicate it to my sister Diana. I decided a few years back to write a book about my life, which has been, colourful, troublesome and often painful. As I wrote each chapter, I would call her and read it to her over the phone. It made more sense and helped us pick out mistakes when read out loud. Five or six chapters in she said it was brilliant and I should try and get it published when it was finished. Sadly Diana lost her battle with cancer in 2010 at just 49. The book died with her, I lost my ‘muse‘.
Ah, Sue. I’m sorry.
I would probably dedicate a book to my early teachers who taught me to read from the Dick And Jane books. I loved reading those stories. And to my dad who used to read to me and my sister from his Field and Stream magazines….I learned alot about hunting and fishing but it was the idea that he read to us that made it great.
Makes such a difference when you’re read to as a child, doesn’t it.
To quote a popular song in the day my books will be and are dedicated to the one I My mom who when i was a child said Do write, just don’t right about Sorry mom write what you know I was told. My son who was nailed to a chair after school while I read him 15 versions of the same line to see what sounded ‘more right’ and more than once said Enough mom. Just leave it be. Out of the mouths of babes:} and to my partner who encourages, criticques and is proud of who I am and whatt I do. Honesty in writing has its costs but I don’t know any other way to write.
Yay for an encouraging partner. Can make all the difference.
I will dedicate my book, a non-ficture memoir including family stories and lore passed down from early ancestors, to two groups. First to my forebears, without whom I would not have a book and second, to my four grandchildren, challenging them to continue with the genealogy process and adding their memories to those I’ve recorded. I see nobody in my generation showing enough interest to continue. So to Rachel, Brittany, Chad and Michelle – enjoy the ride.
I’ve heard that the interest often skips a generation, so I hope your grandkids accept the challenge.
If I ever decided to write a book, which I would love to do, I would dedicate it to the teacher who said that I didn’t have a big enough imagination and wasn’t a very good writer. I loved English in school and am a sponge when it comes to books and learning. So this made me love books even more. Then I would dedicate it to the man that is everything in my life and made my life worthwhile. Also I’d dedicate it to his two boys who light up my days. And of course my family for all the love and support that they show me even though we’re over a 1000 miles apart.
WHat a terrible teacher, though it sounds as if you took it as a challenge. Good for you!
To ‘Gary’…who made all things possible.
Not surprised!
I have read all these awesome dedications. I have so many people who have been an inspiration and have given me support, I cannot choose. Maybe it will become clear when I actually finish something. One person whom I have never met, would be Laura Ingalls Wilder. I can never remember not loving to read, but 4th grade when I was introduced to the Little House In The Big Woods, well that is really what gave me the burning desire to read.
I am reading a book by a new author. SIDEWALK FLOWER by Carlene Love Flores. Her dad was a good friend of ours and we rode motorcycles with him. There in chapter 10 she wrote a reference to her Dad by including a scene where she passes a group of Motorcycles. Noticing the Tail Gunner wearing his patches, A Star with the numbers 378 below it. Made me cry like a baby. I think this honored him much more than an inscription in the front of the book.
I agree with that, Cindy. There are all sorts of ways to dedicate a book, aren’t there.
I would dedicate my book to my paternal grandfather who took the time to walk a three year old granddaughter to the library and read with her when he must have been dying to walk faster than my legs could go . He was an avid reader – would rather read than eat. Those walks with the ice cream cone after are part of what planted the love of reading and drove me to work in a library these last 28 years.
I would have to give you at least a mention! When I first contributed to this blog, in Spring 2012, you posted a little note saying you hoped I was a writer as well as a reader. I’m not yet a writer but I am most definitely a thinker and imaginer (if that’s not a word then it should be…..). I may never get to see my words in print but at least I can dream creatively nowadays (along the lines of ‘how do I link the barge owner, the antique quilt and the rescued Lurcher…….?’)
So, incase it never sees the light of day,
Thank you to Diane Chamberlain for initially planting the creative seed in the earth of my writer’s brain.
I was interested in your use of the word “imaginer”. It reminded me that Walt Disney Studios coined the word “imagineer”. That is an engineer in the field of imagination. I think you can definitely use the word imaginer, as we all have to be that before creation.
I would dedicate my book to my mother, who instilled the love of reading to me at an early age. She spent time reading stories to me and she gave me the best gift I could ask for “The Love of Reading”. We lived close enough that I could walk to the neighborhood library and there I found Beverly Cleary, Laura Wilde Ingalls, Maya Angelo, James Baldwin, Danielle Steele and numerous authors. My mom passed in June 2010 and she had books everywhere in our family home. I’m so glad to now have those books in mine and my children’s homes to remember how Ernestine gave the best when she shared her love for reading with us…
I am actually at the querying step with my book. I do hope to obtain an agent and get it published, because it a story that is so deeply etched in my heart. With that being said, I would dedicate it to my second son, Evan, who inspired most of the ideas for the book while he was still in my womb.
And I’d have to give a shout-out to my critique partners and my husband, who was an unwilling character sketch for the main character’s love interest.
Well, I just checked the children’s book I wrote three years ago for my grandson and it does have a dedication; no surprise that it is dedicated to my inspiration, him! I also have a few sequels twirling around in my gray matter but , so sad too bad, until I submit this one and it is actually published I suppose they will remain in limbo.
My son was recently prodding me to send the book off to a publisher but my dilemma (or excuse) is which version to submit;; the version I wrote for Seth, which he loved, or the version I brought down a few notches, vocabulary wise that is Perhaps it is time to stop procrastinating, make a decision and await the result. Next dedication, if there is one, will be to my HS English teacher, who tried in vain to encourage and inspire me to pursue writing five decades ago..
Hello Diane. I am an attorney turned children’s book author. I stumbled on your site when looking for ideas for a dedication for my third children’s book, which is set for release in early July. Calling myself an author seems odd and a bit disingenuous. Unlike you, I did NOT write a novel. In fact, I am not even sure I wrote these books. I sleep. They come. I write. I think they are exceptionally good, but I really didn’t set out to write them. They just somehow flowed out of my subconscious mind onto a page. So now, with my conscious mind, I must prepare the dedication for my new book.