My 'Keeper of the Light' Wall

We just had new hardwood floors installed (yay!), so I’ve been spiffing up my office a bit and thought I’d share my ‘Keeper of the Light Wall’ with you.  I used to have my book covers framed until there were so many covers that it was getting out of hand. I had a bunch of them on this wall, but I decided to take them down and, instead, create a wall dedicated to the Keeper of the Light trilogy, which were some of my most popular early books and which are becoming popular all over again. On the top row are the three original hardcover covers of Keeper of the Light, Kiss River and Her Mother’s Shadow. To the right of the covers is a painting of the Corolla Lighthouse in Corolla, North Carolina, which is the lighthouse that inspired the first book in the trilogy. (My walls are actually a light peach. I have to ask John how to get truer colors with my iPhone).

On the bottom, there is the unusual cover for the original paperback of Keeper of the Light. It’s a little confusing unless you’ve seen the book in person. The front of the cover is the pink profile of a woman (Annie). When you open it up, you see the woman herself (on the left), with a peacock feather (that figures into the story). You also see a “clinch” shot of Olivia and Alec in the sea. This particular scene never occurs in the book, but it sure did bring in the romance readers. This was definitely the most popular cover of my early books.

Finally, next to that cover is a photo (originally of the Hatteras lighthouse) that I doctored using Photoshop to represent the fictional partly destroyed Kiss River lighthouse as it is in the second two books of the trilogy. I love this picture. It’s hard to tell, but the steps jut up above the top of the lighthouse and that’s where my characters often spend their time.

(Note: In the US, Keeper of the Light and Kiss River are already available and Her Mother’s Shadow will be out in mid October. In the UK and Australia, Keeper of the Light is available, while Kiss River will be published in January and Her Mother’s Shadow next summer. The Printable Booklist on the BOOKS page of my website always has this information).


  1. Margo on September 12, 2012 at 8:01 am

    What a great idea, Diane! Of course I love KEEPER OF THE LIGHT so the wall of book covers representing this classic novel really resonates with me. Beautiful wall, phenomenal novel.

  2. Diane Chamberlain on September 12, 2012 at 9:08 pm

    Thanks, Margo. I have a couple of beautiful ‘Margo’ walls, too. 🙂

  3. Margo on September 13, 2012 at 8:05 am

    Thank You Diane…and i have a couple of wonderful ‘Diane Shelves’ in my comfy room. (-:)

  4. Mandi on September 19, 2012 at 11:41 am

    I love the book covers and lighthouse painting as office decor. We just returned from our 2nd anniversary trip to Corolla, NC and we spent many evenings gazing at the lighthouse from our deck… such a beautiful sight! I can see how it could serve as a wonderful inspiration.

    I am anxiously awaiting my preorder of Her Mother’s Shadow 🙂 Can’t wait to read Lacey’s story!

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