Letting My Hair Down

For the past couple of years, nearly every time I put a picture of myself on my blog or Facebook, I get compliments on my hair.  That’s been so nice, but I’ve been waiting for the right time to tell you all that it’s not my hair at all. I mean, I own it, but I didn’t grow it. So today is the day I’m officially coming clean:

My name is Diane and I’m a wigaholic.

I’ve always had difficult hair. It’s curly (not in a good way), frizzy, and impossible to control. As if all that wasn’t bad enough, eight or so years ago, it started thinning. I made the usual round of doctor’s visits to find the cause and came up with a few non-specific answers and even fewer potential solutions. No one mentioned the best solution of all: wigs.

I tiptoed into the world of wigs. Literally. I was so hesitant on my first visit to the local wig salon that I sort of slinked in the door trying to be invisible. I assumed human hair would be the best solution and that it would be very, very expensive. The salon owner (so incredibly nice) suggested I start with (and maybe end with) synthetics. She educated me and I realized I knew zip about wearing wigs. Here are a few things I learned that first visit:

-Synthetic wigs come in a zillion really cute styles…and they hold their styles through multiple washings—and washing them once a month is generally plenty.

-They have names! (I can walk through the airport and spot a Reese or a Samantha or an Amy, but I hasten to add, only because I know what I’m looking for. The average person will rarely spot a wig wearer if the wig is a good one).

-The colors are amazing! I’m constantly complimented by total strangers on the highlights in my hair.

-They are not very expensive. You can easily find a well-made synthetic wig for under $100.

-They tend to have an unnatural shine, and that’s been the hardest part of wearing hair for me. Day to day, it’s not a big deal, but when that camera flash goes off, the hair can be blinding. There are solutions, none of them perfect.

-Human hair wigs may be beautiful, but they are expensive and need the same care any human hair needs, meaning they will frizz in humidity and need to be styled regularly.

Since that salon visit, I’ve learned so much more, particularly from an online support group I joined. I discovered how many different hair issues lead women (and men) to wear hair. Online, I’ve “met” women with illness or treatments that caused them to lose all or some of their hair, women who hate their hair and want to cover it up, and increasingly, women (and men) who just want to have fun, trying out new styles and colors.

So why am I coming out? Some of my friends (particularly younger women) think it’s great that I’m doing so, while some of my older friends think I should keep it quiet. I think that has something to do with the stigma that’s always been associated with wig wearing. Younger women, who may wear extensions or experiment more with their hair, don’t have the same negative association. I’m going public because I wish I’d stumbled across a blog like this one when I first realized I needed “hair help.” I wish someone had told me that wearing a wig wasn’t scary or freakish or shameful. I would have started on this adventure long ago. As a matter of fact, if my hair suddenly “thickened up” again, I wouldn’t stop wearing wigs. It takes me 2 minutes to get my hair ready in the morning instead of 30. No contest.

My significant other really liked the first wig I embraced (Noriko’s ‘Sky’, which I’m wearing in the picture by the ocean).  And then another wig arrived for me to play with. And then another. “How many wigs do you need?” he asked. I told him about the support group and how these folks were dealing with their hair loss problems by turning something painful and depressing into something fun, and then he  understood. It’s like playing dress-up for grownups.

One of the topics that comes up often in the support group is whether or not to tell people that we wear wigs. Obviously, I do. I find it really difficult to receive a compliment on my hair and not tell, but that’s just me. There are others who are very, very private about it and that’s fine. It’s one of those things where there’s no right or wrong.

If you’re in need of “hair help” and want to get a sense of what’s out there, check out www.galleryofwigs.com or www.wigs.com or simply do a search for wigs and you’ll soon be overwhelmed by a world of great hair you may never have known existed. Watch for the new Luxe line by Sherri Shephard and Daisy Fuentes to be released really soon, too.  And here’s my favorite wig reviewer and her great wig videos.

If you have questions, send them my way. I’ll answer here and if you don’t want to identify yourself on the blog, email them to me (diane@dianechamberlain.com) and I’ll still put your Q and my A here in the comments without identifying you.

Have a good hair day!





  1. Donna on August 28, 2012 at 5:18 pm

    you are beautiful in what ever hair you wear!

  2. onehundredpercentreal on August 28, 2012 at 5:49 pm

    Well obviously I agree with you about the joys of being a wigaholic! This is such a wonderful, uplifting post that highlights (pun intended) everything that is positive not only about wearing wigs, but about taking control of whatever it is in life that might be holding you back and turning it into something life-affirming. I am sure your statement here will help many women, and men, to do the same. 🙂

  3. Trish Levingston on August 28, 2012 at 5:56 pm

    Good for you, and you do look great all the time.xx

  4. Karla on August 28, 2012 at 5:57 pm

    You wear that wig well Diane! It looks beautiful on you!

  5. Bernie Brown on August 28, 2012 at 6:06 pm

    Donna (above) said exactly what I was thinking!

  6. Amy on August 28, 2012 at 6:06 pm

    I’m curious, what do you do with your natural hair under the wig?

    • Diane Chamberlain on August 28, 2012 at 6:10 pm

      Amy, my ‘bio hair’ is about mid neck length. I put it in a little pony tail at the base of my neck and pin that up. It helps keep the wig from sliding up. Some people buzz their hair but this works well for me.

  7. Cheryl Phillips on August 28, 2012 at 6:09 pm

    I applaud you for your honesty. Either way you are beautiful. My hair also is thinning and I have let it go back to the natural white that it is. My hair is straight as a pin and very fine. But you have given me hope that when it gets too thin that I have a solution. Thank you so much for the information.

  8. nancy on August 28, 2012 at 6:10 pm

    Having lost my hair to chemo treatment twice, I know a thing or two about wigs and Noriko”s were my favorite…I think what you are doing is great, wigs have a bad rap and it took me some time to get use to doing my hair again. Wigs are a big time saver plus you can change your look at the blink of an eye… Thank you for being brave enough to share this with us and help those who may be in the market for a wig. Sadly there are so few stores available here locally that on line is about the only way you can shop, but once you know your color it makes shopping a little easier.,

    • Diane Chamberlain on August 28, 2012 at 7:23 pm

      nancy, I’m sorry you’ve had to go through chemo even once! I’ve learned how lucky I am to have a great store nearby…and I’ve also learned that many stores are not so great. I do buy online quite a bit, but I make sure to keep my local shop in business too!

  9. Betsi on August 28, 2012 at 6:11 pm

    Diane, thank you for “coming out!” I’ve struggled with the problem of thinning hair for several years, and didn’t think I could afford to get a nice wig. Yours look so natural that I may give it a try. Oh, and I love your books, too!

    • Diane Chamberlain on August 28, 2012 at 7:24 pm

      Thanks, Betsi, and I hope you find ‘hair’ you love!

  10. cara katzen on August 28, 2012 at 6:42 pm

    BRAVO! You are a such a beautiful woman and spirit!

  11. Diane Chamberlain on August 28, 2012 at 7:43 pm

    Someone has asked how hot wigs are. I know many folks are not bothered by heat, but I really am, so this was a big concern for me too. If I did a lot of outdoor activities in the summer, it would be hard for me to do them in a wig, but I’m not very outdoorsy, so it hasn’t been a big problem for me. When I do need to do something outside in the heat, I attach a liner used just for that purpose to the inside of the cap. it absorbs moisture and really really helps. Everyone has to figure out for her or himself how big a problem heat will be. Also, some caps are constructed to be cooler than others.

  12. Maryann on August 28, 2012 at 7:47 pm

    Diane, thank you for this wonderful “coming out blog!” I feel like I know you from all the posts on Wig Support and that site has been a lifesaver for me as well. When I lost my hair because of alopecia, I was very depressed and didn’t know where to turn. I bought my first wig from a wig salon and felt so self-conscious that I didn’t even want to leave the house. After doing much research, I found Wig Support and I decided to try and make this something fun and get out there and start living again. Now I am truly a wig-a-holic and need an intervention–just ordered another one from Kathy today! Now I have about five styles that I really enjoy wearing and I must say they look much better than my bio hair ever looked. You look just beautiful and I love your hair!

  13. JerzGirl on August 28, 2012 at 7:48 pm

    Good for you! I have thinning hair from Hashimoto’s Thyroid disease and genetics (thanks Mom). I have been “wearing hair” for over five years. I do not wear wigs but wear “Toppers’ made from human hair. They have made me feel so much better about myself!

  14. Judy on August 28, 2012 at 7:57 pm

    Diane, you look beautiful. Wigs open up a whole new world for us ladies who are hair challenged. We can once again be ourselves, only better.

  15. Mary Vine on August 28, 2012 at 8:03 pm

    Bravo, Diane! Great blog post.

  16. Jude Gagner on August 28, 2012 at 8:33 pm

    I would love to cut my sparse hair really short and wear a wig. You have answered a big ? for me concerning heat. I’m a hot person and like lower temps, so I have not pursued a wig for fear that I would sweat to death! I’m going to check out the sites you have mentioned, so thank you. I love your books and know that you are a lovely person. Thank you, again.

    • Diane Chamberlain on August 28, 2012 at 8:48 pm

      Jude, good luck!

  17. Deborah on August 28, 2012 at 9:49 pm

    Thank you so much for your honesty and openness regarding your hair loss situation!. You’re an inspiration and encouragement to others (like me) who are dealing with the same issues that you describe.

  18. neo on August 28, 2012 at 9:54 pm

    A toast to always having a good hair day with almost zero maintenance!

  19. Sophia on August 29, 2012 at 5:06 am

    You are a beautiful person inside & out – from what I can tell :)). Great blog, also with the resources you posted. This truly is an encouraging & inspiring blog post .

  20. Margo on August 29, 2012 at 7:45 am

    Diane, you are such an amazing woman…beautiful inside and out…how wonderful of you to share this story and possibly help others who are searching for hair solutions. I would never have quessed you were wearing a wig…it looks so natural on you and I just assumed you had cut and straightened your curly locks. Ironic you should blog about hair today…last Thursday I finally became brave and cut 14 inches off my hair and donated it to locks of love. If you can believe it, my hair is still at my bra line, so that gives you some idea how long it was…I was actually sitting on it!… but is so much easier to control and not quite as heavy now. If I can grow hair and donate to help someone who has a problem, I am so happy to do so.

    • Diane Chamberlain on August 29, 2012 at 10:40 am

      Wow, Margo, that’s quite a change for you! I bet it feels great, both physically and emotionally. Enjoy your new ‘do!

  21. Skylar Hailey on August 29, 2012 at 9:05 am

    Diane, beautifully expressed – and you are touching thousands of readers with a positive message. Thank you.

  22. Alliegator on August 29, 2012 at 10:33 am

    Wonderful and beautiful post!! You rock those wigs! I am a wigaholic as well. I agree… I wish someone would have told me that wigs aren’t scary or shameful. They have such a negative connotation in the world, but wigs are great. I wish I would have discovered them years before I tried on my first one. I agree with all that you said about synthetic wigs. Thank you from the wig world for posting your story!

  23. Sheree Gillcrist on August 29, 2012 at 2:02 pm

    Diane. When a person is as beautiful as you obviously are on the inside, I think your wigtastic exterior is just fantastic. Women are so hard on themselves when it comes to measuring up,me included and you have just given us all another way to reaffirm and celebrate who we are. Vive la Wig I say.

  24. Louise on August 29, 2012 at 2:22 pm

    I am so glad you wrote about this here. For so long, there has been a “stigma” to wearing helper hair – wigs have been associated for so long with disease or ill health that it’s almost like some people are upset to find out that although I wear a wig due to Alopecia Totalis, I’m not ill. Another thing that a lot of people aren’t aware of is how gorgeous today’s wigs are – so realistic-looking, especially when compared to those 70s Dolly Parton wigs 😉

    I’m very open about my wig-wearing with my students (I teach 7th, 8th, and 9th grades), and so far most of them have been quite accepting – although sometimes they forget and are surprised when my hair goes from chin-length bob one day to past-the-shoulder curls the next. But I find that fun! It’s much easier to be open about it than constantly worrying that someone’s going to find me out – I did that for a few years at the beginning of my wig-wearing and was constantly worried.

    Thank you again for bringing unashamed wig-wearing that much more out in the open. You look beautiful, and I bet you feel great, too.

  25. Y on August 29, 2012 at 7:06 pm


    You are so wonderful to come out and share this information to help other women who may be looking towards wearing wigs. It really isn’t as scary as it does seem, wigs can be life changing!
    Thanks so much for posting this.

    You are beautiful!


  26. Amy on August 30, 2012 at 8:40 am

    I am so excited you have a wig with my name 🙂 What does it look like?

    • Diane Chamberlain on August 30, 2012 at 10:40 am

      Actually, I don’t own an ‘Amy’, because it’s too long for me but very cute. Google Estetica Amy and you’ll see it.

  27. Patent Attorney on August 30, 2012 at 11:44 am

    Good for you! My wife wears wigs and tells everyone who compliments her, as you do. That’s the only way get rid of any stigma, isn’t it?

  28. Anne Barnhill on August 30, 2012 at 12:38 pm

    Hi Diane,
    I think it’s great to talk about this–as you know, due to my chemo second round, I”m losing the little fuzz I had gained from the first round. And I have found myself going out without a hat or wig, just letting my head breathe–it’s been liberating and no one has shrunk in terror (well, except my sister but that’s another story) You are beautiful both inside and out! And I’m so glad we are friends.

    • Diane Chamberlain on August 30, 2012 at 7:00 pm

      Anne, I love your attitude and I can’t wait for you to win this battle. Xoxo

  29. Anne on August 30, 2012 at 4:19 pm

    I admire you for coming out, I have not reached that point yet, but as a full time wig wearer, I approve!!!

  30. Niki on August 31, 2012 at 9:26 pm

    I’m not sure how I came across this entry, but thank you for posting it. While I don’t have any illness or condition that affects my hair, I’m trying to grow it out from a pixie – and having thick hair makes it difficult to resist cutting it again once it begins to poof! I’m in my 20’s, but have yet to wear any of my three (recently purchased) wigs out, save for grocery trips – but your words made me realize there’s no reason to feel ashamed in any way.
    Again, thanks 🙂

  31. » Short Hair Styles For Thinning Hair on September 1, 2012 at 3:36 pm

    […] Spiky Hair-styles Trends 2012-2013 — VoguepkFemale Hair LossHair Straightening Tips and ToolsLetting My Hair Down // IE Evitar seleccion de texto document.onselectstart=function(){ if […]

  32. Steph Walford on September 9, 2012 at 12:15 pm

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. I was diagnosed with RA when I was 40. I lost my beloved job, many friends, social activities, and after a long course of Methotrexate, I lost my hair. Steroids meant I gained pounds. Pounds which are just so hard to lose, especially when you can’t walk and feel down and isolated. I also sustained a major head injury in a cyclist vs car episode (I was the cyclist, and yes, the car won!), so have patches with no hair, and thin hair that I hate. But now I’m going to find a wig shop and get myself some beautiful tresses. Something fun that will make me grin when I catch my reflection in a window.
    Just one question…..I have a convertible, and it’s quite breezy when you get going. Would I lose my hair?
    Thank you to all the ‘wigsters’ that have contributed.

    Steph x

    • Diane Chamberlain on September 13, 2012 at 3:16 pm

      Steph, so sorry for all you’ve gone through. We need those RA drugs, but they can come with side effects. Not sure if my RA drugs are the cause of my hair loss, but whatever! I no longer care because I’ve got better hair than ever before. 🙂 so, to your convertible question: there are ways to make your wig more secure. I’d suggest you do a search on attachment methods. I usually use none without any problem, but in circumstances where the wig staying on is iffy, I use a variety of solutions. One is simply clips. I sewed some clips in my “yoga wig” so I didn’t have to worry about it slipping off during downward dog etc. Or you can wear a hair band under it. Or special tape. Find one of the online support groups and you’ll get tons of answers, and let me know how it goes!

  33. » literacy Jeez Louise on September 15, 2012 at 8:57 am

    […] (like, all) of Diane Chamberlain‘s books this summer. Not only because she and I are fellow wig afficionados, but because her books are quite good. Sort of Jodi Picoult-ish, but Southern (most take place in […]

  34. krystal on September 15, 2012 at 5:05 pm

    Just came across this little blog piece. I know Cancer makes you lose your hair, so when I saw my cousin, the last time she was alive, I noticed that her hair looked really good. I didn’t at first realize it was a wig. Then she took it off right before she left because she wasn’t feeling well. That was Christmas 2010.
    Also Im young but when I do my hair in the morning there’s always more than a few strands that pull out. I have natural curly hair. If I leave it in a ponytail til it dries than take it out it goes into a mass of curls.

  35. Brittany aka Pretty Handy Girl on September 15, 2012 at 8:51 pm

    Diane, what a great post! You are truly my hero. I love how open and honest you are with your readers. And I can tell you first hand that your hair really does look real and I love all your wigs! But, I do have my favorite ;-). Love, Britt

  36. Jenny Fleming on September 17, 2012 at 7:53 am

    Hello, Diane
    I’m a brand new reader…halfway through “The Bay at Midnight”..and loving it!, wish I’d discovered you earlier.
    Just happened on this blog, and it really hit a cord with me,as I have been living with thinning hair for quite some time..don’t know the cause, possibly stress-induced.
    I’ve been thinking about a wig, but never had the nerve to do anything about it ,but you have totally inspired me to go for it ..even answering most of my concerns in the previous comments.
    You have a new fan for life!
    Many thanks from Jenny in the UK.

    • Diane Chamberlain on September 17, 2012 at 12:13 pm

      Cool, Jenny! Not that you’re thinning but that you can see a wig solution. Have fun with it!

  37. […] blog. I like that it’s a bit of everything, whether writing ideas, book clubs or posts about personal life, it’s awesome to follow and be encouraged by. Second, read her books! One of my book club […]

  38. Lori on November 17, 2012 at 6:35 pm

    I am so fortunate to have stumbled across this today as this is my second day in a wig! I made the leap yesterday after years and years of hairloss which has been diagnosed as “male-pattern baldness”…just what a woman wants to hear! I can’t believe the reaction from all of my friends and family when they see me; I am overwhelmed. I am still fearful of people’s reactions as I haven’t gone into work yet and of course anyone that knows me will have to assume I have a wig b/c my hair was so thin I was balding…but I say “who cares”…I have hair now and look beautiful…if I do say so myself!

    • Carole Malagoni on February 21, 2013 at 2:17 pm

      I am a new reader here and encouraged by the comments . I have struggled for years with thinning hair and have now taken the decision to ‘go for it’ and get a wig for back-up situations like weddings. I do feel nervous however and your comment as well as Diane’s are comforting!
      May I ask a question- what happens to your own hair if you wear a wig continually? Does it just dwindle away?

      Thanks for all the info Diane and Jennifer who has such a welcome reaction to report. I have been worrying too abut what people will think.


      • Diane Chamberlain on February 21, 2013 at 11:28 pm

        Carole, go for it! Your bio hair will only dwindle away if it was going to dwindle anyway. 🙂

  39. Jennifer on December 28, 2012 at 5:14 pm

    Thanks!. This was great info. I have a short pixie cut and have been wanting to grow it out. However, its been harder to do than when I was younger. I dont want to have bad hair for a year (or two) while I grow it out. So, I thought I could wear wigs while I grow it out. My problem is/was the stigma of wearing a wig, so I didnt want to go very long or different color from my own. However, I did find that most people dont really care. Only people who know me know I am wearing a wig. Other people are shocked when they compliment me and I tell them its a wig!!!! I found Wig Elegance on Ebay. The wigs are great! Very comfortable, stylish, well made and affordable!!!. I bought the wrong color the first time and I am currently waiting for the second wig. Its 21″ and alot different then my current hair color. I was worried about what people would say or think, but after reading your blog, I cant wait to wear it!!! Thanks again!!!

  40. Claudia on January 3, 2013 at 4:18 pm

    Thank you Dianne, for all of the information!
    I was diagnosed with early stage ovarian and uterine cancer November 28, 2012. I am “only” 52, and a flight attendant. While I will not be working flights while doing Chemo, it will take some time for my actual hair to be representable again…..passenger can be very good at staring, if their flight attendant is hairless….LOL
    I have had all of the surgeries and will have my first Chemo next week. I went to “Survivor Gals” in Fort Worth, TX to pick out my first wig. It was difficult to pick, because my hair is long, and makes a bulge, when trying to fit under the wig. Once my hair is gone, I assume it will be easier to fit additional wigs in other styles? Can you put your wig in a pony tail? My hair has always been long, but maybe this will help me adopt a shorter style.
    BTW….I am also concerned about losing my eyebrows….
    Thank you for this blog!!

    • Diane Chamberlain on January 3, 2013 at 4:32 pm

      Claudia, I’m so sorry for what you’re going through but very pleased that your cancer was caught early. Your wonderful attitude should help you recover well! I’d really suggest you join the support group I mention here. Your questions are common, and some of those women do wear ponytails (I don’t because my hair is on the short side). There’s a trick to it, though, so please do come on over to the group and ask your questions. I wish you a full recovery.

  41. Jane on March 6, 2013 at 11:42 am

    Thank you for sharing your experience. I am considering wearing a wig, but my husband is against it, even though i am bald from the center and barely any hair in the front with age of 22.
    How did you get your husband support you? And what about chanlleges like sport activities? Is it a must to take the wig off while sleeping?
    It would be greatful when you can reply my concerns…Thank you

    • Diane Chamberlain on March 6, 2013 at 2:48 pm

      Hi Jane, Sorry for what you’re going through. Your questions are why I suggest an online support group. There will be folks there who’ve experienced exactly what you are and can help with suggestions. My significant other was very supportive, although in the beginning he didn’t understand why I’d want more than one wig (it does become an obsession). Once I told him it was a way to turn something painful and distressing into something fun, he understood and he gives me feedback on the styles I try on. Maybe it would help if your husband read this post and the comments? There still is a stigma about wearing wigs, but hopefully we can help get rid of it!
      Some women do sleep in their wigs, but I don’t. I do wear mine at the gym, and in the support group there are many runners/soccer players/etc who have figured out how to deal with their wigs or hair when they work out. I hope you’ll check it out, and good luck.

  42. Sherry Shchaefer on April 18, 2013 at 3:43 pm

    Diane, I applaud your coming out. Bravo! You look great! You are doing your part to break down the stigma of wigs, which are a godsend to those of us with thin hair, bad hair, or in my case, no hair. I’m glad you’ve got a good wig shop nearby too. Noriko is my favorite synth line although lately I’ve been loving a great quality human hair wig. Enjoy!

  43. Marie Z on June 25, 2013 at 4:26 pm

    I found you at last. My hair has been thinning for years (I’m 83) and I just hate it and every time I mentioned getting a wig my daughter talked me out of it. I have been sprinkling Toppik on my bald spots and it’s ok and does hide the scalp a little but not enough. I started searching anew for wigs yesterday and today I discovered you and thank you so much for answering a lot of my questions. I’m gonna get me a wig or two and synthetic ones too and thanks to you….. Love you for posting your blog.

    • Diane Chamberlain on June 25, 2013 at 4:52 pm

      Hi Marie! Is there a wig salon in your area? I’d recommend going there and getting some help with selection. One of the things I’ve discovered with older women (and I’m putting myself in that category) is that it’s easy to look really fake in a wig because, let’s face it, our faces show our age and to have this perfect hair just looks weird. So try to take that into account when you select a wig so that you look as natural as you can. And good luck! I like your attitude.

      • Marie Zr on June 25, 2013 at 5:26 pm

        Thanks for the prompt answer. There are a couple of wig salons in my area but I thought if I went there they would talk me into a human hair one that would need set and I don’ t like set hair. I like my hair short and wear it sort of like Shirley Jones or Judi Dench. Lately I have been combing it forward to hide the thin areas but I don’t like that look on me. I was just looking at some wigs and liked the Dixie one, which is my style. I think it is by Rene.
        I’ll check into the salons. I don’t have to buy if I don’t like what they have and I’m sure they will help me since I have never had a wig. (well I did buy a blond one in the 60’s that I wore twice) Thanks again.

  44. Annemarie Laidlaw on October 5, 2013 at 9:00 am

    Hi Diane,

    Thank you for your article. I am having so much trouble moving to this step, but i have to. I am a complete and total mess and feel so ashamed. I don’t know if things could of been different if I faced this sooner, but I guess eventually I would be at this day anyway. Again, thank you for going public and being so very brave. I am praying for the day of my acceptance of this loss and to feel ok with myself and life, even the ugly parts

    • Diane Chamberlain on October 16, 2013 at 9:06 am

      Annemarie, hair loss is nothing to feel ashamed about and I hope you discover a solution that helps you feel good about yourself soon.

  45. Amy on October 16, 2013 at 4:26 am

    You look great as a redhead. My neighbor has hair loss and she wears wigs (or hats and scarves). I have lots of breast cancer survivor friends in various stages or hair/wigs/regrowth/lack of regrowth also. Ya do what ya do to feel comfortable and pretty :).

    • Diane Chamberlain on October 16, 2013 at 9:07 am

      Exactly, Amy, and we’re all lucky with have options.

  46. London Resident on March 12, 2014 at 2:04 pm

    You shouldn’t have to ‘come out’ – it’s your body! But nevertheless I imagine this will dismantle the taboo for a lot of people – so seriously good on you for writing it!

  47. Angie on August 12, 2014 at 11:12 am

    I am so glad I ran across this article! I have struggled with wearing a wig because my husband objects and because I don’t have hair loss due to an illness. I have had 3 skin cancer surgeries on my head which has left a nasty bald spot on top of my head and 2 scars across my forehead. I also have very thinning hair on one side due to Graves Disease. I used to have beautiful hair and now I have this. I felt like a fraud wearing a wig if I didn’t have cancer but the scars are so ugly and make me very self conscious. Your article inspires me to have yet another conversation with my husband and I plan to begin wearing my very cute wig with bangs because my bald spot and the very thin hair prevent me from being able to wear bangs. My poor hairdresser has tried to come up with a solution to no avail.

  48. fran on September 1, 2014 at 2:59 am

    Hi Diane

    I just fell on the idea of a wig. I was at a local street fair and there was a woman selling wigs. I tried one on and immediately was hooked! I have not taken it off since.

    There was nothing particularly wrong with my hair but as I got older the texture and thickness began to change. I spent at least 45 min/day on my hair- blow drying, ironing etc.

    So, no more blow drying or ironing. One might expect my hair would become healthier.BUT, I am finding that my hair is falling out alarmingly. How is that possible? I love my wig, and can’t imagine going back to my real hair. I do not admit it unless directly asked, but at times I am skating a fine line. My new hair has evoked a lot of attention and questions!

    I have gained at least 1/2 hr. a day, and my hair looks consistently good. But why am I losing hair? Have you heard of others having the same problem?


  49. Accountants Guy on April 21, 2015 at 11:52 am

    It’s not what it is, it’s how you wear it Diane, and you wear it fabulously!

  50. 4 Questions with Diane Chamberlain - on September 12, 2015 at 4:58 pm

    […] blog. I like that it’s a bit of everything, whether writing ideas, book clubs or posts about personal life, it’s awesome to follow and be encouraged by. Second, read her books! One of my book club […]

  51. Kim on March 23, 2016 at 3:40 pm

    Hi Diane,

    I am 32 years old and underwent chemotherapy when I was 18 years old. I used to have long and thick hair to the point that I couldn’t wear it in a pony tail with out using at least 2 thick elastics to hold it in place. I’ve lost 80-90% of my hair and I’ve tried consuming various foods, vitamins and using topical solutions but my hair seems like it’s getting thinner. Still 14 years later I am embarrassed and struggle to hide my thinning hair. I would love to wear a wig but I am frightened by other peoples’ reactions. I know that I should not care what other’s think, but I can’t help it. I would love to start wearing hair toppers and my husband supports me 100%.

    • Diane Chamberlain on March 23, 2016 at 9:35 pm

      Kim, I’m sorry for what you’ve been through. Please check out the Wig Support group I mention in the blog post. You’ll find lots of support and suggestions there. We’ve all felt the way you feel!

  52. Peggy Murphy on September 15, 2018 at 7:48 pm

    Hi Diane, I just happened upon your website while looking for information about wigs. I would never guess that you wear a wig. I am now wearing a topper (I’m 64), I had nice thick hair, then developed frontal fibrosing alopecia and have lose much of the hair on top and especially in the front of my head. I feel so much better wearing the topper and I’m thinking about wigs. My question for you is do you have any updated info regarding purchasing wigs, I see that this blog is from 2012. Is there anyplace in NC that you suggest for wigs, we travel from Atlanta to NC to see family. Thank you for any new suggestions you have and please stay safe over the next few days!

    • Diane Chamberlain on September 15, 2018 at 8:09 pm

      Peggy, I’ll message you privately.

  53. Frontal Wig on September 2, 2024 at 3:59 am

    Nice post, I really like it.

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