Let's Have Some Gratitude

Today was one of those days where lots of little things went wrong. We’re at my beach condo where I’ve had to replace a bunch of appliances recently, including several parts of my air conditioning system. Today I learned the entire system needs replacing. In addition, my Rheumatoid Arthritis is flaring a bit and my hands and feet ache. Plus someone I hired to help get the word out about my soon-to-be released novel, The Good Father, just sent out a newsletter to a zillion people calling it “The Good Dad”. I mean, really??

Besides putting out fires all day, I’ve been trying to write and wasn’t quite able to make my word count. Late this afternoon, I finally decided to do a little yoga to de-stress and while I was  stretching, these two words came to me: Thank You. They’re the words I use as my mantra when I meditate and they put everything into perspective, don’t they? There’s always something to be grateful for. For Pete’s sake, I have a condo on the beach! I have a career doing what I love. I have a new book coming out. I live in a time when there’s treatment for RA. I’ve got a guy who puts up with me, warts and all.

So, after you read this, I hope you’ll close your eyes and let the stresses of today go as you say those two little words to yourself: thank you.

What is it you’re thankful for today?


  1. Candice godfrey on April 17, 2012 at 12:18 am

    It sounds like your day has been like mine, one bad thing after another. I hope it gets better for you. I started reading my copy of The Good Father today and this far it is amazing and gripped me from the beginning. I was so excited to get it in the mail today! Thanks you for allowing me to be a goodreads first reader!

  2. Amy F on April 17, 2012 at 12:25 pm

    I am grateful that my copy of The Good Father is in the mail and that the grocery store across the street has the best salad bar. I’m also grateful to not be the only person with chronic pain (even though I wouldn’t wish that pain on anyone else) because it’s nice to know I’m not alone.

  3. Coleen L. on April 17, 2012 at 12:36 pm

    I am grateful for my health right now. Recently just got out of the hospital. I’m also grateful for my friends and family who stick by me no matters what is going on!!

  4. Christina Wible on April 17, 2012 at 12:58 pm

    I just posted this over on Facebook but I guess our minds are running in the same vein today. So many of my friends are complaining about Facebook, the ads and the page changes, but I am grateful for this FREE way of finding old friends and reconnecting and finding new friends and making new connections. I don’t begrudge them their ads and their changes, I am thankful for the way it has enriched my life.

  5. Diane Chamberlain on April 17, 2012 at 1:48 pm

    Good point, Christina! I’m trying to have a complaint free day. Makes me realize just how much whining I do. . .

  6. Sheree Gillcrist on April 17, 2012 at 2:31 pm

    I am grateful for love in any form that it comes to me. Love of like minded souls, love of souls who make me laugh, love of nature in the spring turning everyday that I go for a walk a rainbow of possibility, love of friends and those I hope to become friends, love of living in a country that is not at war, has clean water and a roof over my head, love of the escape that can comes between the pages of a book when I have had a challenging day and love of music which is the soundtrack to my life. I have become a complex person who is learning to love profound simplicity.

  7. Tanya on April 17, 2012 at 7:17 pm

    Beautifully said everyone! I am grateful today that Diane sent me her new book, which I can’t wait to read more! I am hoping kids go to bed early. I am sorry Diane to hear you are still flaring, I hope it resolves soon. In all seriousness, I am grateful for my amazing family, my medical insurance to help me battle RA and that my kids are happy, healthy and very, very fast! On a lighter note, I am thankful for leftovers, toaster ovens and that my toddler told me today after daycare “I had a good day!” Me too, Daredevil, me too. 🙂

  8. Betty Bard on April 17, 2012 at 8:39 pm

    I was juust thinking today how thankful I am for our Florida lifestyle, the blue blue sky, the breeze, and this happy sunny day. I am grateful to have my hubby of 50 years (almost-hope we make it to September), and we are fortunate to be able to cope emotionaly and financially with all the day-to-day stresses and problems that are part of living. I am really thankful to have Yoga in my life, introduced to me by my beautiful daughter-in-law, and my heart and spirit thank her every day.
    And I am really thankful that I can look forward to another Diane Chamberlain book very soon!

  9. Lisa Bailey on April 17, 2012 at 9:48 pm

    I am soooo thankful for my amazing husband and 3 beautiful children, family, friends, health, love, laughter and that I found Diane’s wonderful books! I am thankful to be living a life I love and so blessed that everyday I get to help women and their partners bring new life into the world! Diane, I hope your RA settles again soon. xxoo

  10. Debbie Ions on April 18, 2012 at 8:04 am

    Today, April 18, 2012, I am thankful that I am going on a third interview for a job. I am thankful that I have gotten this far and hopeful it will end in my getting a job. I have been unemployed since 10/07/2011. I am so ready for a job! I have still had my volunteer work and I love that, but I need a paying job! WIsh me luck!

  11. Diane Chamberlain on April 18, 2012 at 2:34 pm

    Good luck, Debbie!

  12. Joann on April 18, 2012 at 6:52 pm

    What is it you’re thankful for today?I am thankful for you, the best sister anyone could ask for. Jo

    • JoAnne McCrone-Ephraim on April 21, 2012 at 6:21 pm

      Thank you, Joann & Diane; that special “thank you” just warmed my heart beyond the beyond where Ihope it was heard:) Love you, Zan!!!

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