New Covers for my Backlist E-Books!
When I first made my out-of-print books available as e-books, I designed my own covers. I found designing the covers fun, time consuming, and a wake-up call to the fact that I am not a graphic artist! I had a professional, author Patricia Ryan, re-do one of them and
it was beautiful but I eventually realized that what I was missing was a consistent look for the books. Pat was no longer designing book covers, so I hired Kim Killion of HotDamn Designs. I have to admit, I had some trepidation because Kim does mostly romantic and steamy covers that wouldn’t fit my books at all, but
I admired her design skills and she really “got” what I was looking for. Practically
overnight, she created these five new covers for me. I love them and couldn’t wait to share them with you. Here’s the link to my backlist on my website, if you’d like to read more about the books themselves. Purchase links are there for Kindle and Nook, but the books are available for any
e-reader you may choose, although I don’t think Apple has the new covers yet. Soon!
I’ve made no changes to the inside of the books other than to add a very brief “story behind the story” at the end of each one, which describes the inspiration and some of the research behind the book.
I know a few of you will ask me if these books will be available in print, so I’ll answer right now. Sometimes you can find the original books used on ebay or at Sometimes your local library may be able to get them through their interlibrary loan program. If there is enough interest, I may make one of them (most likely Secret Lives, which is the biggest seller of these books) available in print as an experiment, but I haven’t yet decided. If you think you’d buy some of my backlist if it was available in print, do let me know. In the meantime, enjoy the new covers!
PS I’d love to know your favorite of these covers.
The Escape Artist! Who can resist a cute baby! But all the covers are fabulous. Just love them. Fire and Rain is probably my next favorite. Love the bold, bright colors and uniform graphics. LOVE!
I love the covers. It is hard to choose a favorite. I like Secret Lives and the Escape Artist.
Oh, Brass Ring, by far. Those two little girls make my heart want to explode. Nothing more beautiful than sisters.
LOVE all the covers; my by far favorites are The Escape Artist and Secret Lives. I snooped websites and the ‘rare and used’ section of bookstore sites and found all of your out of print books.. as well as kept up with all your new releases (CAN’T wait for The Good Father! 🙂 ) But I would probably buy them again just for the ‘behind the story’ 😛
Oh yes, Brass Ring. Then the Escape Artist. All the covers are beautiful!!
I love the ESCAPE ARTIST, but the little red-haired girls on BRASS RING makes it my pick.
I love the new covers. I almost wish I had held back and waited to get The Escape Artist as I really do love the new cover.
Half of the reason I even asked for a kindle for Christmas (from my grandparents) was so I could download and read your back catalogue books .I’m also looking forward to your next proper book (I still love my actual paperbacks) in the UK.
Thanks for the encouraging responses to the covers! Katrina, that’s sweet. I hope you’re enjoying your kindle.
They are all fabulous Diane and tell their own story before you ever open the book. I bought your first book based on how the cover spoke to me and drew me to it. After reading the first book I bought the rest because your name was on it and I knew I was guarrenteed a fantastic read. You covers tend to stand out from the rest.
I love The Escape Artist, but then I loved that book….it’s my favorite! Reflection is a good one also…evokes a very peaceful feeling!
I may end up getting them for my Kindle! As you know, I’ve read all of your books, but some of them must be read again and again!!!
Love them all, but The Escape Artist, I think would be my favorite. Only because of that sweet babies eyes. Love eyes, the window to the soul. I have all of these books except for Brass Ring, will have to change that! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Escape Artist and Reflection are my favorites but they are all “inviting” covers.
the brass ring is simply adorable! secondly i like secret lives. Good job on all the covers. Now i wish i had the money to rebuy them!!!
Love the “Diane Chamberlain” look of all the covers!
Having received a Kindle as a gift i was looking for authors i had never read before, i down loaded The Lost Daughter and was totally hooked with your style of writing wow what a gripping book!! (How is she going to get away with this???) brilliant read, have since read The Bay at Midnight, and have just finished Keeper of the light only to learn its a trilogy and excited about downloading the next book …but hit a problem i cant find it is it not available for UK readers!!!
Rosemary, I’m sorry to say that my UK publisher’s plans are currently to release the second and third books, Kiss River and Her Mother’s Shadow, in 2013. I hope they’ll change their minds, but right now, that’s how it stands. I’m so sorry for the wait, but just think: I didn’t write those books until 12 and 13 years after I wrote Keeper of the Light, so maybe it makes some sense to have a little time between them. In the UK, the next older book to be published will be Brass Ring in March and the next new book, The Good Father, will be out in June. Please be sure to check the International Page on my website from time to time (on the Books page) in case the schedule changes.
Thankyou for your promt reply!! lets hope your publishers do change ther minds, but in the mean time i will catch up with your books that are available and looking forward to the new reads..many thanks