Happy Holidays!
Thanks to everyone who participated in the blog contest, which ended at 10pm EST last night. We had nearly 300 comments! The random number generator picked #156 and that comment belonged to Amber Hauger of Dayton, Ohio and she’s received a $100 gift certificate. Thanks for your enthusiasm, everyone, and especially for sharing the titles of your favorite 2011 books yesterday. I’ll be sharing my own list after the first of the year. For now, though, I just want to wish you all a wonderful holiday weekend with your friends and family. I’ll be back in touch on the blog next week.
Diane (with Keeper and Jet)
Hope your Christmas was Merry and Blessed…Mine surely was. I hope that you continue with Story Weekends..I have had so much fun and love reading everyones “stories”. I know I cheat and go over the word count…but you are kind to not Kick me off.
Thanks for the good wishes, Cindy. Christmas was great, and I look forward to getting back to Story Weekend either next weekend or the one that follows. I’ve enjoyed reading everyone’s stories, even when they go over the word limit!
I love this photo of you Diane…the pups are so beautiful, just like you.
Like Cindy, I really enjoy the story weekends…if for some reason I dont have a good story to tell I just love reading everyone else’s!
Hoping your Cmas was wonderful…I know ours was…the best part was being with family and enjoying lots of good food and laughter. I’m so thankful for everyone in my life.
Blessings to you, John and pups and a special thank you to you for sharing your gift of words with us. Looking forward to your next novel is the best part of the New Year!