Check Out the TV Ad for The Midwife's Confession
My publisher in the United Kingdom is pretty amazing. Here’s the TV ad they created, which will start running in the UK on June 23rd, the same day The Midwife’s Confession should show up in the grocery stores there. I just love it! The book cover proclaims a money back guarantee to readers in the UK and Ireland. The offer states “As Good As Jodi Picoult or Your Money Back”. I don’t know why, but that makes me giggle. Plus, along with the readers’ guide and an interview with yours truly, the extra material at the back of the book includes chapter one of The Shadow Wife, which will be my next release across the pond.
I have to admit that the success of my books in the UK and Australia and New Zealand has been a bit mind boggling when it comes to keeping my readers informed. Different covers, different release dates and occasionally different titles can put my brain cells to the test, but reaching so many new readers is worth the challenge!
What a fantastic advertisement . I love the narrator’s voice, she sells the book well.
Just finished “The Midwife’s Confession.” Wow, just when you think you’ve got it figured out – NOT. Your character development is so complete that I was able to immediately form a mental image and call each one up as the twists and turns take you from one to the other. I agree with the uk trailer re Jodi Picoult. Love you both. Thanks for a fantastic read.
I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Martha. Glynis, I agree about the narrator!
I really enjoy when authors are posting videos for their new books! It makes the characters come alive. You can almost picture them as your reading. The British voice was great.
I got my copy of the book yesterday (I’m in the UK) and I can’t wait to read it. The purple cover is very eye catching and it looks absolutely lovely with your other books on my shelf. It also appeals to me because in a few years time I hope to train as a midwife!
I’m not overly fond of the “if you love this author” logo. Especially when they are actually a part of the books cover and not a sticker that you can peel off. It’s so common over here now that you can almost go in to a book shop and do an author chain starting with say your book then going over to the Jodi Picoults’ and then from her books going to someone else. It’s a good game for a bored book worm.
Katrina, I actually agree with you. It gets tiresome and I hope my publisher will begin to let me stand on my own, but it’s undeniable that the comparison gained me new fans in the UK. Still, sometimes I feel like pointing out that I was writing like Jodi when Jodi was in grade school! Lol.
The Midwife’s Confession was the first of your books that I read (being a midwife guided me to it) and ever since then I’ve been absolutely hooked. You’re the only author that I would never hesitate to read because having now read most of your books that I can get my hands on; I know I will never be disappointed (even if they don’t always end how I want! lol) I love the mystery element that is nearly always threaded throughout and the characters are always so fantastically written that I sympathize and relate to them even if they don’t make the same decisions I think I would.
The comparison to Jodi Picoult is a funny one because it was due to that sticker that I thought to myself I must give HER a try. And the conclusion was that I preferred your stories by far and ended up taking one of her books back to the library without reading it because I just couldn’t get into her writing style from the first one I read. Thank you for your stories Diane! 🙂
Who is Quinn and why is he with Lizbeth (Carolyn)? First time I heard his name was at the end of the book. I don’t get it. Said he was supposed to be the Gardner but when was he introduced and what happened to Gabriel? But loved the book!
Sorry it was confusing for you, Marty! Quinn IS Gabriel. He hid his identity so Lizbeth/Carolyn’s mother wouldn’t know. Hope that helps!