Lady Alice is Quite a Lady Alice
When I work on a manuscript, I take shortcuts. For example, one of my characters in my work-in-progress is named Rebecca, so I have my Word software set so that when I type “reb”, it actually types Rebecca. The same with my character Dorothea. I type “doro” and Word types Dorothea.
(On a side note: my ex-husband once set up his poor secretary, Joan’s, Word program so that every time she typed the word “the”, it would show up as “Ouch, Joanie! Not so hard!”)
Anyhow, I have a character in my current work-in-progress whom I love. She’s this tiny African American woman named Lady Alice. I have my Word software set up so that every time I type the word “lady” it types “Lady Alice.” This is causing me problems. I never realized how often I type the word “lady” in other documents and email. “The lady at the drugstore” becomes “The Lady Alice at the drugstore.” “First Lady Michelle Obama” becomes “FIrst Lady Alice Michelle Obama.” You get the idea.
Needless to say, I’m proofreading everything!
Love ‘first Lady Alice Michelle Obama!’ Lol!
Love the bag, great summer idea !
Already I love Lady Alice…
ROTF! I love the husband’s trick. Too funny. Samantha Gail, one of my fave authors (, sent me over here; I’m so glad she did! It was great for a chuckle. I will be back!
Note to Heather: EX-husband. Nice guy, though. LOL.
What a wonderful photo of this lady, she is so wise and pleasant looking, makes me want to meet her.
I know, isn’t she great? This is the photo I’m using as I write about Lady Alice is the book. The only difference is that Lady Alice is only about 4’10”, and this woman looks like she might be tall.
Two books I finally read-B. Walters’ Memoir-loved it-from the San Jose library-fantastic place. Doris Day-biography-from a quaint bookstore in Carmel where she lives-I rec. Diane’s books to everyone…even in that tiny little bookstore…I have dreamed of CArmel most of my life-it was everything I thought…I am home in two weeks-for 3 days-and then gone again…I ordered l0 books from Doubleday to take on next travels…Diane-thanks for keeping us posted. I am your AD PERSON all over this nation this summer…
Brenda, thanks for the promotion! Did you know my stepdaughter and her family live in San Jose? I adore Carmel–the whole coast between SF and Big Sur. I loved researching the area for Cypress Point. Wish I were there right now!
No-I did not know that. My son is a tax attorney who moves every few years…right now…San Jose is it…love it love it love it.
You have to write a book set in Carmel-by-the Sea…would love it…
I am here for a month…seeing so much…loving it…What a great place to live.
Will keep promoting you…the best.
Diane and Brenda, I LOVE Carmel-By-The-Sea and of course BIG SUR…Brenda, you must be in heaven…what a great summer vacation you’re having.
Next to Nantucket Island and Cannon Beach Oregon, I think the Big Sur coastline is one of the most beautiful places on earth…I’d love to be there right now. (-O: