What a Weekend! Part Two. . .

GFWC-NC President Beverly Lassiter and Diane Chamberlain small.jpg

The contest continues! Win a vacation on Topsail Island and help me celebrate my 20 years as an author by clicking here to learn more. You may enter once a day.  

So, as I mentioned, we checked into our hotel, the Blockade Runner, in Wrightsville Beach. The hotel was hosting the annual convention of the North Carolina chapter of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, and those women were the reason I was there. They’d selected me as the 2009 winner of their annual award for creative writing, the Lucy Bramlette Patterson award. (That’s GFWC-NC President Beverly Lassiter on my right). I can’t tell you what an honor it is for me to be recognized as a North Carolina writer. As I told the group, I’ve only lived in North Carolina for four years, but my heart has been here much longer. Those of you who’ve long read my books know that I’ve used North Carolina settings almost since the beginning.

 I also spoke to the group at their luncheon. The night before, I ‘cased the joint’  to see where the luncheon would be held so I could decide whether to give a “formal” or “informal” speech. It looked like I’d be speaking in the ballroom, so I thought “Okay. Formal.” As it turned out, though, the luncheon was held in a giant tent on the beach and the (many many) officers marched into the tent to the song “Boogie Shoes” blasting from the loudspeakers. Needless to say, I scratched my formal speech! The audience was so much fun and I had a great time. The Two Sisters Bookery brought books to the event, but quickly sold out, so I hope those women who were disappointed are quickly able to find copies of the books they want. 

John had been out taking pictures, and when he arrived back at the hotel, we went out to dinner because we hadn’t quite eaten enough seafood the night before (that’s a joke). I had phenomenal shrimp scampi this time at Southbeach Grill, an amazing hole-in-the-wall looking restaurant that turned out to be anything but.  Sunday, we wandered around Wilmington again, with me pestering various people about hurricanes for my research. Then we drove the 2 1/2 hours home to the pups, who were thrilled to see us. Today, I can’t snap my jeans. Wonder why? 

Thank you, GFWC! I’ll never forget this honor or your joyous enthusiasm.


  1. Margo on April 21, 2009 at 9:00 am

    Diane, what a wonderful honor…and the fact that it coinsides with your 20 years in publishing! This is an amazing year for you and it’s just the beginning. This is 1 fan who wishes you the most exciting year of your life loaded with happiness and joy. (-O:

  2. Jo on April 30, 2009 at 12:10 am

    Congrats lil’ sister. This is a beautiful resort. (Don’t think I’d want tobe here in a hurricane.) Their website is terrific. Also it’s a gtreatpic of you. Love,Jo

  3. Diane Chamberlain on April 30, 2009 at 12:12 am

    Thanks, all! Jo, I do plan to do some damage to the area with twinhurricanes in my current work-in-progress, but the reader won’t actuallysee the storms. Just the destruction afterward. I did feel kind of badlooking out the hotel window at the beautiful harbor and thinking about mydastardly plans for the area. 🙂

  4. Margo on April 30, 2009 at 12:13 am

    Darn!…I was hoping to see the storms…Diane, you’re so good at writing about them…I clearly remember the hurricane in SUMMERS CHILD…it was SO descriptive that I felt like I was out in it!
    Joann, you have an absolutely WONDERFUL sister…I look forward to the daywhen I can finally meet her in person.

  5. brenda on April 30, 2009 at 12:16 am

    Congrats!!!! You so deserve this award…What a wonderful life for a womanwho deserves it all-a lovely JOHN…a book coming out–another WIP goingwell…(I hope)…awards…so many things happening…Isn’t it great to getolder and have such a great life-oops…I mean more mature…in thepicture-you look way too young to have so much writing experience, myfriend. CONGRATS to a writer who deserves all the awards…

  6. Hope on April 30, 2009 at 12:17 am

    Congratulations, Diane! A well-deserved award.

  7. Denise on April 30, 2009 at 12:18 am

    Fantastic!!! I’m so happy for you, Diane. The award is well-deserved!

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