1. Diane Chamberlain on December 25, 2008 at 11:50 pm

    Apologies to all of you who left comments on this post over the past few days! I’m afraid they were eaten by the blog monster and I can’t find a way to retrieve them. (Margo, you’ll have to post that barbecue recipe all over again!)
    I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday. Our frequent commenter, Denise, is having surgery tomorrow (Friday) on her wrist. Heal quickly, Denise!

  2. Margo on December 26, 2008 at 10:43 pm

    Diane, I’ll be happy to post the recipe again…here is the hot b-que beef sandwich ingrediants: Cook 1 large pot roast or 2-3 small tender bread & butter roasts in the crock pot with small amt of water all day on low…remove onto plate and when cool enough to touch, pull apart…either place back into a clean, cooled crock pot or refrigerate till the next day. In separate bowl mix up LOTS of ketchup (depending on how much beef roast you made), several handfuls of brown sugar and 1 or more tablespoons of mustard (according to your taste)…with the pull-apart pre-cooked beef in the crockpot, add the sauce and mix up thoroughly so meat is nice and coated and moist…turn crockpot on low and let bque meat get hot…tastes great on white mountain rolls, regular roll or buns. I’ve made this so many times I’m just quessing on the amounts of ingrediants…I don’t mix the sauce in a bowl anymore because I’ve made it so much and know how I like it…so, I throw all these things for the sauce into the crock pot with the pre-cooked pulled apart beef and make sure consistency is saucy but not runny…you want it moist…if not sweet enough, add more brown sugar (I use lt brown sugar)…if you want it tangier, add more mustard. This is easy to make and great for parties or get togethers.

  3. Margo on December 26, 2008 at 11:05 pm

    Diane, since you and Gina recommended I KNOW THIS MUCH IS TRUE I thought I’d let you know Gary gave it to me for X-mas!…received other books too but I’m really anxious to read Wally Lamb once I finish THE HOST…I believe Denise mentioned W Lamb as a great author also…thank you all for telling me about him!
    Brenda, I bet your family is loving all that wonderful food your cooking!
    Denise…plz know we are thinking of you and wishing you a speedey recovery…I feel your pain my friend.
    Diane, our holiday was terrific…how about you?…now that it’s the day after I was able to relax with my book, put my feet up and reflect…how about everyone else?

  4. Diane Chamberlain on December 26, 2008 at 11:34 pm

    Thanks for reposting, Margo. Can’t wait to try it.
    I look forward to hearing how you like IKTMIT.
    My holiday was wonderful! Lots of time with various bits and pieces of our families. Now it’s time to get back to work. More about that soon!

  5. Ann on December 27, 2008 at 7:35 pm

    I am planning to read IKTMIT soon. The comments I have seen about it make me anxious to start it.
    Margo, that bbq sounds delicious. I love to cook in my crock pot – will have to try that recipe. Thanks!

  6. Margo on December 27, 2008 at 9:35 pm

    Diane, you have my curiosity up…can’t wait to hear what your working on!
    Ann, hope you enjoy the bque recipe…it’s so easy and makes a great hot sandwich meal to serve at home for get-togethers, holidays, and also is easy to take to someone else’s home for pot locks…the crockpot goes anywhere! I’ve been asked to make it for New Years so I’ll be making it again. (-O:
    We saw THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL and really liked it…leaves room for a sequal I think…next week we’re going to try to get into VALKYRIE…it’s been sold out the last 2 days!

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