From a Not-So-Simple Guy in Denmark
Every once in a while, I’m particularly touched by an email I receive and want to share it with my readers (with the emailer’s permission, of course). Today, I received the following email, touching because it comes from Denmark and it always warms my heart to hear from readers around the world, but even more so because it comes from a man. I’ve corrected the spelling, but will leave the wording alone. Enjoy it with me, please.
Sniff! Could he be any sweeter?
Wow, how cool. I heard Maggie O’Farrell speak today at the Bronte schoolhouse and she talked about a male reader who shared a painful story with her at a reading. Those guys have sensitive spots hidden in there after all, don’t they?
I got my husband to read Water for Elephants as we’ve travelled and he enjoyed it.
Diane, thank you for sharing that e-mail. It was so “from the heart”! I hope he will continue reading your books.
What a tender hearted letter…and Diane, what a wonderful tribute to you…to know you stir all kinds of emotions in men and women from your remarkable novels. This dear man may be a simple male from Denmark but he is rich with feelings and heart.
Diane, did everything work out for you with the synopsis?…I can’t wait to know the next step. (-:
I think Water for Elephants is a book that can touch both male and female audiences. The focus on relationships resonates with women; the fact that the protagonist is a male, resonates with men.
Margo, still making changes to the synopsis. I’ll get the final version to my agent this weekend, and off to the editor next week. Then we wait. . .
Testing, testing, looks like my post got deleted.
I’m sorry Gina! I don’t know where it went. Sometimes my blog has a mind of its own.