The Book Trailer
I’m working with Circle of Seven Productions on a book trailer for Before the Storm. Have you ever seen a book trailer? I thought I’d keep you abreast of the process, which I’m finding intriguing. I can’t wait to see how it turns out
First, of course, I gave the C of S people an idea of what the story was about. The initial plan was to have images with a text overlay, but as the scriptwriter and I emailed our ideas back and forth, I realized that this particular trailer should have a narrator — and not just a faceless narrator. I want Andy, my fifteen-year-old special needs hero, to tell this summary of the story. The scriptwriter and I came up with a very short script that would capture not only the flavor of the story but a bit of Andy’s unique voice as well.
Next came the auditions! These arrived via my computer while I was at the beach, so I listened to them in my car (you may recall we had some Internet issues at the beach. . . ). Fifteen terrific young actors read for Andy’s voiceover and it was very hard winnowing them down. I finally selected a teenager who sounds very much like I imagine Andy to sound, and I’m confident he’ll do a great job.
That’s where we’re at. Tomorrow, the actor will do several different readings of the script, so I can pick the one that feels right. Then the producer will put together an edit of the video with images, music and voiceover, and I’ll let her know what’s working for me and what’s not, and we’ll move forward from there. It will be short–about a minute. When it’s completed, you’ll be able to see it on my website as well as on numerous sites on the Internet. And taking distribution one step further, it will be shown on buses in five major cities as well!
I hope someday soon I’ll have time to write again. . .
I found your blog quite by accident and am so glad I did. You’re living my dream life. I am an unpublished writer trying to revive my craft after several years of putting my writing on hold. I appreciate the life you share on this blog. It’s encouraging and fun. I hope you don’t mind I’m waiting for Before the Storm. It’ll be your first book for me and can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to it.
Wow Diane! I never heard of a book trailer before! It sounds so exciting! I can’t wait to see it.
And, *gasp* – shame on you….of course you’ll write again SOON. What would we do without your books!
nsgee, welcome to the blog! glad you found us.
Gina, only joking! these past few days, though, it feels as if all i’ve done is promo stuff.
Check out Barbara Delinsky’s website-my other favorite author-for the trailer on her last book. They are intriguing. I can’t wait to see Diane’s…
P.S. Diane-I LOVE LOVE LOVE your website. Of all the ones I check out, I only write on two…yours regularly and Barbara’s once or twice a year…I prefer the old one she had-much more personal…I hope yours does not change as much as hers…I love her and her books, but…
Your website has brought us together, and we feel as if we know you…Sometimes, if it is not broken, we should not try to fix it. That being said, as long as the BLOG is not changing, I am all for change. 🙂 🙂
Brenda, I AM a little worried about the website change. It will definitely be more professional and I don’t want to lose the personal touch. I think by still having the blog, that personal aspect will be there. I like Barbara’s website and wonder what it is that you’re reacting to in it?
A book trailer – how exciting! Actually, I made one for “Real Women Wear Red” and had a lot of fun doing it, even though it was a huge amount of work. I loved how it came out but don’t think I’d do another one. Good idea to have somebody else do it. Can’t wait to see it!
Kathy, post a link to your trailer if it’s still in existence. (ps it’s a lot of work even if somebody else is doing it).
In the midst of my little granddaughter wanting to play DORA, I took a minute to check the website. I think if you keep the BLOG this way, it will remain personal. Barbara’s website used to be like this. We blogged regularly…she was on it actively as are you. Now, she BLOGS about once a month…plus she has the comment section where there does not seem to be much action among readers…She used to have pictures (which she took off because of privacy-I don’t miss that). She had recipes, contests, etc. She had give-aways…I still wear one of the t-shirts…great publicity for her books when I am at the beach.
I guess, to sum it up, I miss the interaction of the comments/blogs…getting to know the other readers and her. If this BLOG remains the same, I think your website will be fine…
WE KNOW YOU!!! AT LEAST as much as possible through the website…
WE KNOW how hard you work on the books…I don’t want to lose that aspect.
I hope this helps.
>>She used to have pictures (which she took off because of privacy-I don’t miss that). She had recipes, contests, etc. She had give-aways…I still wear one of the t-shirts…great publicity for her books when I am at the beach.
Diane, through various changes over the years I’ve always liked your website and found it easy to use. Like Brenda, my fav aspect is your blog and not only have we learned so much about you D, we’ve learned about how you write and what goes into your WIP…and the friendships between readers have developed thru blogging which is thx to you! I’m constantly fascinated with your passion for writing Diane and you’ve touched all our hearts with your generous sharing.
Brenda, I responded to your Nantucket question in the previous blog. Thx for asking…you’ll find my answers there. (-:
Margo-You know our thoughts have been with you.
Right now I’m not the best friend for anyone-things will get better-keep telling myself that.
Girls-I have two gripes: What say you????
1. Those ads on television for wrinkle cream…the models look 20… 🙂
2. Of course, gas prices…my state is one of the highest…What are we going to do? I guess we could all move to a city and do the public trans thing…
On another note, Friday night, my granddaughters called me-they live In Indiana…they were awakened the night before by an earthquake…in Indiana…go figure…their weather…
Back to grading papers-just came home from getting the crown on my tooth and don’t feel like doing much…
Margo-I am not sure if I have read the author you mentioned. I did check the library today-could not find her books.
P.S. Margo-I loved Thayer’s books…however…not the ones about the menopause group-or whatever those were-Red Hat Society-…I liked the first books so much more.
Brenda, lol on the wrinkle cream! Elin Hilderbrand’s books are in hardcover & paperback and all of them take place on Nantucket. I believe my fav of hers was THE BLUE BISTRO and I also like NANTUCKET NIGHTS. My fav Nancy Thayer book was BELONGING which took place mostly on Nantucket Island. She has a new book coming out next month called MOON SHELL BEACH…sigh, this is all making me long for Nantucket. I’m SO excited for Diane’s 2 new books. I reserving my advanced copy at Border’s tomorrow!
Thank you for all your concerns. It means alot to me.
P.S. the earthquake hit us too!
I agree on the wrinkle cream, Brenda. On a similar note, when did all our doctors become so much younger than we are?
Margo, i’m going to have to try a Nancy Thayer book. I love Nantucket too, and what a wonderful setting for a story.
Diane, I believe her new book in May, MOON SHELL BEACH takes place on Nantucket like some of her others. BELONGING was my fav because over half the book took place on the island and I learned so much about it.
Margo-I liked Between Husbands and Friends…I did not like CUSTODY…I am not sure why…Belonging intriguing also…
Hildebrand-I like Beach Club…
I have read all of Hilderbrand’s books and enjoyed them. Margo, I agree with you on favorites – Blue Bistro and Nantucket Nights.
Ann & Brenda…Elin Hilderbrand has a new book out July 1 called A SUMMER AFFAIR which also takes place on Nantucket Island. Diane, if you are going to read Nancy Thayer I would also recommend Elin Hilderbrand. GREAT sense of place with Nantucket! In fact, after reading Elin’s previous books, I searched for all the landmarks she had talked about and everything was just as she had described. Someday I will visit the Outer Banks & visit all that Diane has talked about in her books! (-:
Margo, just remember. . . some of those outer banks places are fictional!
Diane, what matters more to me is the ‘feeling’ of place. Even tho some places will be fictional I would still love to visit the Outer Banks and experience the ‘atmosphere’. Because my fav book is KEEPER OF THE LIGHT and I’ve read it 4 times, I absolutely MUST visit the beach where Annie walked. (-:
Hey guys,
Me and a friend of mine started a book forum. If you are interested in joining, I’ll post the link here.
Diane, I started a thread on my forum for fans to discuss your books. I’m pushing your name out there. I want everyone to know about you. Your books are just too good. I hope you don’t mind.
Hi, Diane – I’ve been reading the blog at least once a day, but have not had time to post – as least as articulately as I want – your blog – well, I love it as is, but often wondered how you find energy and commitment to keep so current and respond so personally, as you do. And to share so, so much of your life. I don’t blame you a bit for wanting/needing to simplify. I have appreciated “feeling like I know you” – at least more about you since I have so loved your books. I don’t care about recipes or contests, but I did try the Guinness stew and loved it! I love the picture gallery, but understand the need to protect people’s privacy. Love seeing family members. But the more people take from you, the more you (at least I) need to retreat. I hope that changes when I retire in July, because I don’t like being such a recluse. I am naturally social and love spending time with friends, more than anything else. Margo and Brenda – interesting re: Nancy Thayer – I love her, too – she was one of the first authors I found back in the early 80’s that I went searching for other books by her – haven’t liked a few of the later, especially Custody. I just didn’t want to read about that, and the one where the daughter accuses the step-brother of molesting her was hard to keep at. That’s where I realized I needed escape, entertainment and happy endings. Not endings where things weren’t neatly tied up. Personal preference, I know. I loved 3 Women at the Water’s Edge, My Dearest Friend, Morning, Nell and will look for her new one. We have spent time on Cape Cod and Nantucket and love it. Too cold for me, though, in retirement. One reason I’m intrigued with the Southeast coast. I just have to be on water. Diane – the picture of the rocking chairs overlooking the water is the exact picture in my mind when I have to “visualze” a peaceful setting in yoga or pilates or relaxation classes. I’ve never heard of Elin Hilderbrand, but googled her and will look for books. I’m always glad to find a new author, since Diane can’t publish every month! I have not liked Barbara Delinsky’s latest. Not enough substance. Margo – I feel like you. I must walk the beaches where Annie and Alec walked, and where Mary Poor lived. I will probably not understand why the lighthouse is not where it should be!
I have the most understanding readers! You all make me feel cared about when you recongize that it IS challenging to keep up with the website and blog. It’s a labor of love for me, though. The blog is as enjoyable for me to write as it is for y’all to read, believe me.
I’ve seen the first cut of the book trailer! Some of it’s wonderful–the actor who “plays” Andy is superb. I’ve made some suggestions for changes and Circle of Seven is working on them. I can’t wait to unveil it.
And then there’s the new website! All I can say is Wow! We’ve nailed down the home page and it’s beautiful. A couple more weeks, and I’ll be able to show it to all of you. Hope you love it as much as I do.
Gina, mind?? Never! Thank you so much for spreading the word.
Liz…I so agree with you about the authors. I ordered Hilderbrand from our library-they have to get them from another library. (Thanks Margo)
I did not like CUSTODY either…sorry.
As to Delinsky, I loved her earlier books. I liked the last one, but the one before that…however…I think when authors try to write too quickly i. e. D> Steel–the substance is lost. I can remember a time when I would buy certain authors’ books the day they were published.
Loved sharing the thoughts.
I really think THIS BLOG is what makes the website…
Diane, nsgee1 gave us a nudge in your direction. I have enjoyed what I’ve read so far. And ooooh, published writer with readership, my dream. So it’s back to the grindstone for me. Another chapter is taking shape in my mind and maybe I can sneak a turtle into it, albeit for eastern Kentucky it will have to be Terrapene carolina.
welcome to the blog, chameleon! hope you stick around. I checked out your blog and love your word of the day feature. fun!
awww thanks. Now I just have to find time to update it. The last few days have been ummmm humuhumukunukupuaa. 😛 OK so the word is maybe not as useful as I had hoped it would be. The last few days have been crazy busy though. Maybe tomorrow. I don’t do my best work after 11PM.
>>OK so the word is maybe not as useful as I had hoped it would be.
Hello Diane,
I am a newcomer to you. But I can see after checking your website and your listing of books I will become a reader soon. 🙂 My friend referred me to your website because your blog mentioned that you were using a “book trailer.” I am, as yet, an unpublished author, and may even self-publish, so of course looking for ways to market myself. I read the section in your blog where you are working with a production company to have a professional trailer made – using an actor and script writing. I was wondering how much this is costing you? If you don’t mind sharing that information. And what has been your experience of it so far? Do you think it is worth it to do this?
Thank you, Christine
Welcome, Christine!
You are wise to think about marketing, because I’m afraid most authors have to do much of their own these days. However, I really want to encourage you to put your energy into your writing and getting published first, whether self published or the “traditional” way. That said, the cost of trailers varies widely. Do a search on the different companies and query them. Many of them have their prices on their sites. They are not cheap, I can tell you that much! And I’m afraid I have no idea if they’re worth it. I can let you know in about a year when I see if it seemed to impact book sales! Much depends on how well the company distributes them to the right websites. Partly, I’m doing it for the fun of it. I love seeing a little taste of my book come to life. Good luck!
Definitely a teaser, I will have to read the book now.
Hey, Greg, thanks for the heads up! I didn’t even know the trailer was on YouTube already. Hope you enjoy the book.