Fun with Mary Kay Andrews

Mary Kay (aka Kathy Trochek) was in town Thursday night to kick off the publication of her latest book, DEEP DISH. Kathy is one of the scribblers group I’ve been taken in by since my move to Raleigh. We all (minus our darling Alex Sokoloff, who was speaking elsewhere to kick off the publication of her latest, THE PRICE) went out for a leisurely dinner, than strolled over to Quail Ridge Books for Kathy’s talk and book signing. Standing Room Only, as always, for Kathy’s events. She is a force of nature and a hoot. Her books are so funny and so are her talks. I kept thinking of how s-e-r-i-o-u-s my own books are and I what I wouldn’t give to have just a smidgen of Kathy’s sense of humor. But (I remind myself frequently), we all have our own unique gifts when it comes to writing and to life.
Here we are, eating very well (as usual) at Tripp’s. From left to right, that’s Sarah Shaber, her husband, Steve, Mary Kay, Nancy Olson who’s not only the owner of Quail Ridge Books and Music but a huge supporter of local authors, Katy Munger and her adorable daughter, Zuzu, Margaret Maron, up for yet another Agatha Award for her novel HARD ROW, Bren Witchger, and me (behind the camera).


  1. Anonymous on March 3, 2008 at 3:31 pm

    What fun!
    I’m taking advice; I will teach my high school job (to make my living) full time and do one class at the college instead of 4 all year…that keeps me “in”.
    I am fortunate to have a son who helps me, and a daughter who live close enough (6 hours) to visit…they both are attentive and great.
    Diane-next month…what is the official release date????

  2. brenda on March 3, 2008 at 3:32 pm

    P.S. the above note is from me…I don’t know why my name doesn’t always come through.
    P. S. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am becoming somewhat discouraged for the next election.

  3. Diane Chamberlain on March 3, 2008 at 3:53 pm

    Brenda, the official release date for BEFORE THE STORM isn’t until June 1.
    I’m glad you’re cutting back on your teaching next year. you need a little time to smell the roses.

  4. brenda on March 3, 2008 at 6:34 pm

    Believe me it does upset me over the money-needed now–but my children convinced me. June lst will find me getting my book…I can’t wait…

  5. brenda on March 4, 2008 at 6:55 pm

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, Diane, for this fantastic BLOG. I have come to know the “others” and you through this BLOG. I am so busy with work that I hesitate using my time to PHONE (except my kids and grandkids)…and I do not go to other BLOGS often…I do like Julie’s as she has such a great sense of humor. However, this is the ONE place I go often to discuss “issues”…Thank you for that. Other writers have come and gone–on the websites…they do the guestbooks, and then become so busy that they give them up. You have persevered-no matter how busy you are-and for that, I thank you…I rec. your books to so many people…

  6. Diane Chamberlain on March 4, 2008 at 8:15 pm

    Thank you Brenda! I was just feeling guilty that I haven’t blogged in a few days, though. 🙂 That deadline is looming in front of me! I hope to get a new post up tomorrow.

  7. Liz on March 5, 2008 at 11:48 am

    Well, I’m a little embarrasssed to get back onto the blog after my ridiculous rant about DSS and the struggle to serve the clients that come through. I can only think that I would have been grateful to have a writer call to ask questions because it could only serve to educate people about what is happening out there. No one could make up the problems people have, but you, Diane, have such a valuable venue to educate, as well as entertain. I think that’s one reason your books touch me so much, because there is a lot of truth in your writing. I’m with you, Brenda, because this is the most user friendly blog I’ve found. I’ve visited other authors, but enjoy this the most. No guilt – Diane – are you Catholic? We carry such guilt!!

  8. Diane Chamberlain on March 5, 2008 at 1:11 pm

    LOL, Liz. I was indeed raised Catholic in an era that was really big on playing the guilt card. I don’t think it’s quite so painful now, though. The young people I know who are Catholic stare at me wide-eyed when I describe the knuckle-rapping, fear inducing, “the communists are gonna getcha!” Catholocism of my childhood.

  9. Brenda on March 9, 2008 at 6:41 pm

    Liz-I am with you. Diane reaches more folks than many ever realize… As to the guilt, I don’t know the age of most of you, but I know my generation was raised with that guilt even though I am not Catholic…we were told, “Don’t do this, that, and this and that…and your lives will definitely be perfect.” NOT!!!!!
    I suppose you are getting near that deadline, Diane…

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