A Mini-Break From Weymouth

Well, I came home for the night since there’s a party to attend. I have my priorities! I wrote more than 30 pages in the last few days, brainstormed the ending of AFTER THE STORM with expert brainstormers, played Balderdash and Taboo late into the night and I’m tired. The mansion is so large that we’re able to spread out and barely see one another during the day. Walking through the creaky old halls, though, you hear the speedy clackety-clack of computer keys coming from every corner. We’ve eaten far too well. Mary Kay Andrews brought chicken rice casserole and black bean soup. Brenda Witchger brought broccoli cheese soup and salads. I could go on and on. It will take us half a day to clean out the fridge.
It’s good to be home with John and the pups (and a modern-day computer!) for a little while. Tomorrow morning, though, I’ll return to Weymouth and get back to work.

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