Technically, It was a Bad Weekend

I’m participating in a monthly “write a book in a week” event, which doesn’t literally mean you write a book in a week, but rather write as many pages as you can and report your progress to the online group each day. My goal was 50 pages for the week. I sat at my computer early Saturday morning, excited to begin, only to discover that my computer had crashed. As in totally dead. John spent the day trying to get it back for me, to no avail. I back up frequently to an external hard drive and of course my work in progress is also backed up to a flash drive, so that was okay. I can’t get to the info on the external hard drive yet and hope I can eventually. But the very worst part is that I keep my calendar and “address book” on both my desktop computer and my handheld palm pilot. So I tried uploading the calendar to my laptop (I’m typing on my laptop right now), but without getting too technical, I’ll simply say that not only didn’t my calendar appear on my laptop, but it was wiped off my handheld as well. Which means I have no idea what appointments I have this week, next week, next year. And I’ve lost all the addresses and phone numbers for friends and doctors and agent and editor and. . . I can’t even think about it! John’s doing his best to recover info for me, and if that fails, I know a techie guru who might be able to help. But needless to say, I didn’t get much done on my Work in Progress. Four pages. I hope to do better today while John sweats over my desktop. 
Except for one minor emotional breakdown when I realized my calendar was gone, I’ve managed to keep this all in perspective. I’ve got food on the table, a really great house, an amazing family, wonderful friends, a significant other who helps me at the cost of losing his own work time, and a career I love.
However, if you happen to to have an appointment with me any time in the future, you’d better drop me an email to let me know when it is!


  1. Trina Allen on December 3, 2007 at 4:16 pm

    Gosh, Diane,
    I’m so sorry to hear about the crash. I know that you have some heavy deadlines. I don’t think I’d be as upbeat as you are. Good luck recovering!

  2. Julie on December 3, 2007 at 5:00 pm

    It must be in the water over there in the Southeast. I was just reading Joshilyn Jackson’s blog, and she had the same thing happen, only she lost her paper calendar, and all the emails in her inbox she was supposed to answer.
    I should really do some intensive backups, methinks, in case that water flows over to Texas. 🙂
    Sorry for the troubles…I hope you get it all straightened out. In the meantime, maybe December is meant to be a month of rest for you??? (Don’t slap me. LOL)

  3. Margo on December 4, 2007 at 8:53 am

    Good grief Diane, how bad can it get? At least your optimism and good humor shine through in spite of the arghhhhhhhhh. I hope by now everything is recovered and your smiling again as you type away at your computer.

  4. Diane Chamberlain on December 4, 2007 at 10:11 am

    Julie, there IS no water in the Southeast, actually. We’re down to about 90 days supply left. Kind of scary. But do make those backups. Back up everything, everywhere, all the time.
    I did not have a good attitude yesterday, despite trying to look on the rosy side. I dragged around, pouting and groaning and being pathetic until last night, when John finally told me to stop whining. He’d been soooo sympathetic up until then, but I could tell he’d reached his limit and that my pathetic-ness had gotten way out of hand.
    Better today. 🙂

  5. Margo on December 4, 2007 at 11:31 am

    Diane, I was going to suggest a visit to your favorite Starbucks but it sounds like things are better. Keep smiling.

  6. Julie on December 5, 2007 at 2:08 am

    I have been hearing about the water shortage, and thought of it right after I posted that. “They” (whoever they are) certainly won’t be sending any this way, so I guess I’m safe for now. 😉
    Funny and cute about John telling you enough was enough. We need people like that sometimes, don’t we? Thank goodness for loving kicks in the butt.

  7. Ann on December 5, 2007 at 2:40 am

    Sometimes a loving kick in the butt makes us realize what is really important and what is not. A crashed computer is important!!!!!!!! Hope John got it fixed – otherwise you can still be pathetic.

  8. Diane Chamberlain on December 5, 2007 at 9:57 am

    LOL, all. Today I take the dead computer to my techie guy. Keeping my fingers crossed. I keep looking at today’s date and thinking “Hmm. This date looks familiar. I wonder where I’m supposed to be?”

  9. Rob Lopresti on December 5, 2007 at 10:03 am

    I can help you with one date on the calendar. You were going to fly out and cook us a big Christmas dinner. Don’t disappoint.

  10. Diane Chamberlain on December 5, 2007 at 10:31 am

    Ho Ho Ho, little brother. Don’t hold your breath. Hey, can you send us some of that Pacific Northwest rain?

  11. brenda on December 6, 2007 at 5:26 pm

    I wouldn’t trade my laptop for anything else. This is my second one. I don’t like the big desktop computers that I used to have and the ones we use at school. I LOVE MY LAPTOP…
    Sorry about your crash.

  12. brenda on December 7, 2007 at 4:08 pm

    Living “BY” computers as a teacher in high school (grades,etc.), and at the college and at home…I whine when it doesn’t work (usually at school). We all do. We can’t do without them now.

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