In the Outer Banks

John’s teaching a photography workshop here with a couple of other photographers, and as you can imagine, I wasn’t going to let a chance at a few days in the Outer Banks pass me by! It’s pouring rain, but the photography students appear undaunted as they learn to make use of any available light. And I’m undaunted, because my goal is to turn out as many pages as possible on my Work-in-Progress while I’m here. With all this rain, I’m not tempted to leave our lovely room. And wow, does North Carolina need rain!
I only wrote seven pages today, probably because of the two naps. 🙂 Seven pages isn’t bad, but given the fact that I don’t have the dogs, laundry or the phone to distract me, I should have done better. I’m also still riveted to the TV. Having lived in San Diego for 12 years, I’m following the news of the fires with a heavy heart. Some of my friends have evacuated, but so far, I think they–and I hope, their homes–are safe. My writing problems are trivial, to say the least. 
What I’m reading: NEVER LET ME GO by Kazuo Ishiguro. It took me a while to fall in love with this book–it’s so odd. But love it, I do. I have one more chapter to go and hate to see it end. Some readers of my books may not like it. NLMG is not about a real world (though it’s science fiction only in the way that Margaret Atwood’s THE HANDMAID’S TALE is science fiction). It’s metaphorical in nature, but the emotions are very real and easy to relate to.  Have any of you read it?
It’s 10pm and John’s still with his students, so I’m going back to work for another hour or two. With any luck, I’ll get enough done that I can take a stroll out to the beach tomorrow, weather permitting. It’s wonderful to be here!


  1. Ann on October 26, 2007 at 1:22 am

    Diane, we were at the Outer Banks last week and the weather was perfect! Hope you do get to walk on the beach while you are there. Greensboro is getting rain today and it is beautiful. Never thought I would say that but when we have been without rain for so long it is beautiful.

  2. Margo on October 26, 2007 at 8:31 am

    How wonderful to be at the Outer Banks! I hope the weather is nice for beachcombing but if your anything like me, you’ll stroll the beach whether it’s raining or not (-: Sometimes the best times are when it’s drizzling and a bit chilly and a jacket with a hood is perfect for the beach as you feel the mist on you face Diane! Ann, your so fortunate to be able to visit coastal areas so often!
    Just realized that K. Ishiguro also wrote THE REMAINS OF THE DAY which made an outstanding movie! I might be interested in this book your reading Diane.

  3. Diane Chamberlain on October 26, 2007 at 11:01 am

    Margo, you’re right that Ann and I are both lucky to live just a few hours from the coast. But you get the early political battles, so that makes us even. 🙂
    My main problem with walking on the beach is my poor little arthritic foot and ankle, but I took an antiinflammatory today in the hope of getting out there later. The sun is shining intermittently with a beautiful, shimmery light that has the photographers snapping away.
    I hope to read THE REMAINS OF THE DAY now that I’ve read NLMG. I, too, loved the movie, but only realized it was the same author when I got to the end of the book and read about his other stories.

  4. Margo on October 26, 2007 at 11:54 am

    Diane, because you are so upbeat & optimistic I seem to forget sometimes about your RA problems. Your positive attitude shines thru even with these comments. If you can’t get out on the beach today, I hope there’s a lovely patio or deck off your room where you can sit and feel the sea breeze. Wish I was there to enjoy that beautiful shimmery light so I could capture it on canvas!

  5. Ann on October 26, 2007 at 7:29 pm

    Yes, Diane, we are very fortunate to be able to make the trip to the coast in a few hours. Outer Banks are about 5 hours away from Greensboro – well worth the drive. Margo is right about your positive attitude about your RA problems. I tend to forget that walking the beach would not be easy for you but I bet you will make the best of it and walk as far as you can!!! Just being able to see the ocean and hear the sea gulls are enough to make the day a good one. Hope your trip was wonderful. I am sure John and his students took lots of great pictures. I always take MANY pictures when I am there. They mean a lot to me through the years.

  6. brenda on October 27, 2007 at 12:27 pm

    Enjoy the beach. We are FINALLY getting rain and enjoying it. OUr air conditioner was turned off yesterday for the first time, and we usually have lots of cold weather by now. When I lived less than an hour from M. Beach, S.C., for five years-I LOVED LOVED LOVED it> However, my daughter was having my first grandchild, and I needed to move nearer to her. I returned to my home state…now I am only 6 hours from her.
    As to Remains…I loved it. In fact, one of my major papers in grad school was comparing that to a similar novel set in America..Status…choosing a significant other-maybe not of same social status.
    I am inundated now with essays and upcoming research papers. However, come Dec., I will be on a plane to the ocean and will remain there-at my son’s-until New Year’s. Can’t wait…warm weather…

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