The New CeeCee Cover

cover cee trade 72dpi.jpg
Wow, I just received the cover flats for the trade paperback edition of THE SECRET LIFE OF CEECEE WILKES and I love the cover! Love the red hair against the blues, and the sense of a dynamic story. Although the hardcover was pretty(see below), it didn’t really fit a cee cee cover for website.jpgstory full of suspense. 
Although the book itself won’t be out until late December, the cover flats are available well in advance for the marketing department to use in their sales.
Well, I have only two more days to go to my deadline, so I’ve been a bit quiet on the blog. I’ll be sure to post from the beach next week, though, if not before.


  1. Julie on June 28, 2007 at 12:35 am

    Ooooh, how pretty and intriguing!
    I’m a latecomer to your books, having “accidentally” found Her Mother’s Shadow at a garage sale several months ago, then your blog after that. I read The Bay at Midnight and The Courage Tree in the last couple of weeks per everyone’s raves on here. Really enjoyed them! Will be looking forward to finding the Cee Cee one!

  2. Kathy Holmes on June 28, 2007 at 6:32 am

    Me, too! 🙂 I’ve been blogging about Diane’s brilliance in capturing the dynamic of family secrets in “Bay” and can’t wait to read more of them.

  3. Margo on June 28, 2007 at 9:04 am

    What a gorgeous cover! This will make fabulous gifts for b-day’s and the holidays! Julie and Kathy, you are in for such a treat if you haven’t read all Diane’s books. Each novel is so unique and written from the heart. Brenda said is so well a few blogs back…when you buy a Diane Chamberlain novel it’s like giving a gift to yourself. KEEPER OF THE LIGHT, SUMMER’S CHILD, CYPRESS POINT, SECRET LIVES…and all the others…AWESOME BOOKS! When release date nears for D’s newest book I always reserve my copy in advance at my fav bookstore. I can’t begin to tell you the feeling when I’m called that my copy is in and I rush out to buy it. I hold her newest treasure in my hands and the excitement to rush home and read it is indescribable.

  4. Brenda on June 28, 2007 at 11:40 am

    Julie, For some reason I came to D. later than Margo-I think because the Borders where I live does not readily display her books (or Barbara Delinsky either). However, Renee, in my online bookclub put us onto the trilogy, and I was hooked. I have purchased her books, and I drive to the bookstore about 25 miles away to get her the day it is released. (Didn’t you think COurage Tree was unique?)
    I love the new cover…really fits the book.
    Am eager to read the new book.
    D-enjoy vacation.
    Margo-thanks for your help…

  5. Margo on June 28, 2007 at 12:42 pm

    Glad to help you, Brenda. (-:

  6. Diane Chamberlain on June 28, 2007 at 8:05 pm

    There’s only one thing I love as much as my faithful old readers and that’s my new enthusiastic readers. Glad you two stumbled across me, Julie and Kathy.
    24 hours to go! I actually think I’m going to make it.

  7. Ann on June 28, 2007 at 10:58 pm

    Diane, I absolutely LOVE this cover. I have a hardcover copy of this book but I must have the paperback in order to have this picture!!!
    Have a wonderful Emerald Isle vacation!!!!!

  8. Margo on June 29, 2007 at 8:53 am

    Ann, you sound like me…I always buy Diane’s hardcovers as soon as they are out but if the paperback version has a striking cover, I buy it also. Must be the artist in me (lol).

  9. Margo on June 29, 2007 at 9:01 am

    Diane, thank goodness your work will be done so you can really enjoy the R&R on Emerald Isle. Wishing you a very special vacation with your family.

  10. Brenda on July 2, 2007 at 4:05 pm

    Thinking of you today. One of the librarians asked me if you have a book coming soon-she knows you are my favorite…started a discussions with other patrons and librarians who are now going to read you.

  11. Karriann on July 3, 2007 at 2:31 pm

    I just love the cover for the book. Makes me smile to see that red hair flying in the breeze. I loved the book and continue to find new books to read of yours. I just started today Summer’s Child. I can’t wait to get into it more. I was only able to read a few pages of it this morning but bed time will be here before we know it and that is the time to read for me. I stay up for 2-3 hrs reading. I love it!!!! Hope you are enjoying your vacation and not writing!!! Everyone deserves a vacation from their real life!!!!

  12. Diane Chamberlain on July 4, 2007 at 11:15 am

    Brenda, thanks for turning on new readers to my books.
    Kariann, glad you like the cover, and I hope you enjoy SUMMER’S CHILD. I plan to update my website in the next couple of weeks and I’ll be adding some more of the hard to find books to my “for sale” list, since I still have some extras and have heard from many readers that the books are simply impossible to find in the stores.

  13. Susan Manning on July 4, 2007 at 6:38 pm

    I am a brand new fan of Diane’s …I discovered one of her books recently & now I am trying to read all of her books . …she is one of the best authors I have ever read !! I have just finished reading Cee Cee Wilkes & absolutely loved it ..could not lay it down ..I am so glad that I found Diane Camberlain & her books …I live in Eastern N.C. & know where all the little towns she uses as settings for some of her books are at ..Actually , I live very near the ones on the water…
    Susan Manning

  14. Margo on July 5, 2007 at 9:21 am

    Susan and Karriann, you will just love all Diane’s books. She has been my fav author since I read KEEPER OF THE LIGHT 12-14 years ago. She never disappoints and has such a beautiful style of writing…every novel is entirely different from her others and the emotions and love come straight from her heart. SUMMERS CHILD is fabulous as well as CYPRESS POINT…and the 2nd and 3rd books in the KEEPER OF THE LIGHT trilogy are absolutely wonderful. THE BAY AT MIDNIGHT is still available in bookstores in trade paperback if you havent’ read it yet and believe me, it’s one you’ll want to keep for your bookshelf!

  15. Susan Manning on July 5, 2007 at 10:47 am

    thanks Margo , I do plan to read all of her books now …I just do not know how I didn’t know about her until recently …but, now I do & am really enjoying reading & catching up on her other books… I believe she loves the costal section of Easten N.C. N.C. as much as we do …it is a beautiful area . She mentioned that she is writing a book that is set at Topsail Island,N.C. Richard Gere is there now making a movie about Nicholas Sparks’ book Nights In Rodanthe . some of it was filmed in the little community of Rodanthe on the Outer Banks of N.C.
    Susan Manning

  16. Margo on July 5, 2007 at 11:03 am

    Susan, if you haven’t read her KEEPER OF THE LIGHT trilogy be sure and read them in order which is: KEEPER OF THE LIGHT, the 2nd is KISS RIVER and finally the last one being HER MOTHER’S SHADOW. You’ll love them! Like you, I especially like that her books take place in the Outer Banks. I’ve never been there but have learned alot about the area thru her novels…CYPRESS POINT takes place in California near BIG SUR where Diane expertly creates a beautiful sense of the area…I could actually breathe the pacific ocean and feel the mist and fog rolling over me as I read this exciting novel about twins sisters. Thx for the tip on Richard Gere (1 of my favorite actors)!…It will be exciting to see his new movie next summer, the same time Diane’s new book is released!

  17. Diane Chamberlain on July 5, 2007 at 11:06 am

    Welcome to my books and the blog, Susan. Margo, thanks for being a great promoter of my stories! I appreciate it.

  18. Margo on July 5, 2007 at 11:39 am

    It comes naturally to me Diane…your novels are treasures.

  19. brenda on July 5, 2007 at 7:15 pm

    I like N. Sparks’ books also. I donated my complete collection to my daughter’s library in INdy. It was difficult to part with my last l0 year’s collection of almost 800 or more books, but I can’t read them every year, and I feel so much better knowing that others are enjoying them. My daughter tells me that the women were estatic (some at the library and some nursing home.)
    I kept one book case (tall one) loaded with my classics, D., etc…ones I do read over and over.
    The thing I like about D’s books ( a couple of things) I can tell others about them and there are no surprises as to violence, language, etc…and the stories are fantastic–a giften author-and I read tons and tons of books. I do read a lot of mysteries also and yes…often lots of language that I ignore…
    Glad to see D. has enjoyed a great vacation with many great folks…

  20. Susan Manning on July 11, 2007 at 4:57 pm

    thanks Margo I just read Kiss River & will get Her Mother’s Shadow very soon . I didn’t realize they were a triology ….I knew when I finished reading Kiss River there had to be more on that story .! :>)
    Susan Manning

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