WIP: Only Eighteen Days Left!

Omigosh, now I’m nervous. How can there only be 18 days until my deadline?? The calendar’s right in front of me, but just like my character Laurel not realizing how long it’s been since her last period (!), I’ve lost track of the time–with less dire consequences than in Laurel’s case, I hope.
I had a great phone conversation today with Jodee Kulp. Jodee’s an expert in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, and she read a chapter I wrote from my character Andy’s point of view. Andy is fifteen and has FASD. Jodee helped me see the scene more accurately from his perspective. She was an enormous help! Of course, now I need to rewrite his scenes to reflect my new understanding. Sigh. Eighteen more weeks would be better.
Sunday afternoon, I took a break from working on BEFORE THE STORM to go to the reception for John’s art photography show at the Sertoma Arts Center. Here were are in front of a couple of his pics. We had a great time, after which we went with friends to Vivace, our new favorite restaurant. diane john june show.jpgThen we went to a neighbor’s house to
watch the Sopranos finale. About twelve people were there, and you should have heard the screams when the screen went dark! But I thought it was a perfect ending, leaving it up to the viewer to imagine what happens next. I promise not to leave you hanging that way in my books, though.


  1. brenda on June 13, 2007 at 8:31 pm

    Really good picture–two artists.
    Good luck–deadline.
    I am sure you are probably not reading right now-I am going to have to give up my marathon of reading for awhile-and read what I need for my high school classes in the fall (new lit books) and do lesson plans…and read tons of stuff and do plans for the college classes…
    Anyway-if you girls get a chance to read IF I AM MISSING OR DEAD by Janine Latus–let me know your thoughts…how do you reconcile the title to the book (a memoir)…????

  2. brenda on June 13, 2007 at 8:35 pm

    D.-if you need someone to read the book EARLY 🙂 :)…and give comments…just ask. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. pattie on June 19, 2007 at 10:00 am

    This is a lovely picture of the two of you! Great smiles and great art.

  4. Diane Chamberlain on June 19, 2007 at 10:25 am

    Thanks Pattie! It was a fun day.

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