Off to Topsail Island

My long-time friend, Cher, is visiting from San Diego, and she’s going to accompany me on another research trip to Topsail Island tomorrow. We’re staying in a generous friend’s cottage until Wednesday. Yippee! Can’t wait. I just hope the weather warms up a little. Brr. I hope to have some internet access there so I can blog. Hope you had a lovely holiday.


  1. Krysia on April 10, 2007 at 9:58 am

    Be happy it’s not snowing like it is here. We’ve got probably 2 inches. was summer just 2 weeks ago. Now it’s bitter cold and snowing. So sad.
    Have fun on your trip.

  2. Diane Chamberlain on April 10, 2007 at 10:28 am

    krysia, it turned cold (but no snow) in NC as well. i was glad i hadn’t planted my container garden during that warm weather.
    Cher and I arrived around 2 yesterday and it was about 50. We had lunch at a restaurant called Cindy’s, right on the beach (shrimp cocktail and clam chowder and hushpuppies–yum). then we came to the little cottage my friend is graciously allowing us to use. it’s adorable! filled with blues and yellows and lovely artwork. i’ll get a few pictures up tonight. this morning, we’re both curled up in the living room, working (cher teaches at a california college) and this afternoon we’ll go for a drive so i can figure out the setting for certain aspects of my story. tonight we’ll have dinner with the fire marshal so i can get some missing details for the fire scene etc. temp is 59 and rising and it’s sunny. yippee!

  3. Angie Bogan on April 10, 2007 at 10:51 pm

    Diane, It was very nice meeting you and being able to sit an chat with you. I hope that you were able to enjoy your trip to Topsail Island even though the weather wasn’t as warm as it should have been in April. Also I hope you were able to complete your research. Please keep in touch and if you come back this way in the future let us know so we can get together.

  4. Diane Chamberlain on April 10, 2007 at 11:54 pm

    Hi Angie! Everyone, Angie is the wife of the fire marshal here in Surf City and a volunteer fire fighter herself, and she and her husband Ken answered my 45 questions over dinner tonight. It was an ENORMOUS help! Thanks so much, Angie, and I’ll be sure to keep in touch. I can’t seem to upload the pictures to my laptop, so I’ll get them on the blog once I get home.

  5. Margo on April 12, 2007 at 9:07 am

    Diane, you are so fortunate to have warmer weather than us…like Krysia, we had snow, snow, ice and cold yesterday……brrrrrrrrrrr…I love snow and winter but it’s suppose to be Spring now and I think our birds and animals are very confused!
    Can’t wait to see your pics of Topsail!

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