Sidney Sheldon and Molly Ivins
Now that’s an odd pairing.
In the last couple of days, we’ve lost them both.
I don’t believe I’ve ever read a book by Sidney Sheldon, but if my mother didn’t have one of my books in her hand, she had one of his. (My father, on the other hand, loved Andrew Greeley novels. In my Dad’s devoutly Catholic eyes, the fact that Greeley was a priest made it all right to read his steamy love scenes.)
A quote from Sheldon that resonates with me: “I love writing books. Movies are a collaborative medium, and everyone is second-guessing you. When you do a novel you’re on your own. It’s a freedom that doesn’t exist in any other medium.”
And I’ll be kind to you, dear readers, in quoting Ivins. There are so many wonderful, pithy things she’s said over the years, but the following can offend no one. In its simplicity, it sometimes moves me to tears and at the same time, gives me hope and fills me with pride at being an American.
“It is possible to read the history of this country as one long struggle to extend the liberties established in our Constitution to everyone in America.”
Rest in peace, Sidney and Molly. You’ll be missed.
Very well said, Diane. Never read Molly before but oh how I’ll miss Sidney. My favorite of his was THE OTHER SIDE OF MIDNIGHT…in later years he wrote THE DOOMSDAY CONSPIRACY which I read straight thru in 2 days. Both of these books sit right next to yours on my bookshelf Diane.
What a great quote. The struggle continues! I did enjoy many of Sidney Sheldon’s books. I agree with Margo – “The Other Side of Midnight” was my favorite also.
Ann, did you ever read the sequal called MEMORIES OF MIDNIGHT?
I did read the sequel. Read both of them a long time ago and enjoyed both but the one I remember is “The Other Side of Midnight”. Sometimes I remember the titles of books I have read but that’s about all I remember. Then there are books that the plot and the characters stay with me. Diane’s books are like that!!! The characters are so real. Thanks, Diane for all the character “friends” you have given me.
Read both…irony…
Ann, your most welcome for your character friends! Many years ago when I was writing my first novel, I moved across country from California to Virginia. I would have felt so lonely if I my characters hadn’t come with me. (Oh, yeah, my then husband helped as well). But characters really do begin to feel like friends, especially when it takes a long time to write a story and that one took the better part of 4 years. writing two books this year, maybe my characters will only have time to become my “friendlets.” 🙂
Love that word “friendlets”.
I purposely read slow so I can remember everything and this was the case with Sidney Sheldon’s THE OTHER SIDE OF MIDNIGHT…read this ages ago and still I remember the plot and characters; it was such a unique story. Diane’s characters stay in my heart always and I always hope they’ll reappear in a future novel, which of course they did in the KEEPER trilogy. I usually re-read her books just to touch base with these wonderful friends because I don’t like to let them go!
good news-found out today-passed my comps first time–YES YES YES YES
Now to do the project and my two classes…whew.
We are out for cold weather and light snow today-that will take another day of spring break… (:
HOpe you are all well and warm-I went to library and Y for awhile and now to work.
TEN PAGES a day-killing me Diane, don’t know how you do it.
Congratulations, Brenda! Not that I had any doubt you’d pass.
Not so warm here. After my smug talk about the warm weather, it turned bitter (relatively speaking, Margo) cold. My fault, I guess.
Some days ten pages are easier than other days!
Wonderful news Brenda!…many congrat’s!…brrrrrrrrr Diane and Brenda…our weekend weather was -30 below windchill and I woke up this a.m. to -14 below windchill with actual temp -1. Needless to say we didn’t go anywhere over the weekend, just stayed warm in our comfy room…it was actually kind of nice not to have plans and just CHILL (pardon the expression) out!
Thank you. I’ve been getting emails–people had more faith in me than I did…
As to weather. 0 today…we had a delay but had school…with wind last night about 5 below–that is cold for this are…we are not in the mountains…
Keep warm-I am typing and working on school work…almost there…
What a great idea…pass-I’ll use that and have my students use it too.
I could not answer on the line…something now correct with the website-so will answer on this Blog…thank you, D.
I do know that l0 pages a day–whew
you’re right, Brenda. The “pass maneuver” post doesn’t have a plce for comments. i’m going to add another post right now to be sure i don’t have a problem with the blog.