Second Most Important News of the Day

My new agent and I met for lunch. What a warm and enthusiastic woman she is! I’m thrilled to be working with her. And on a slightly less important note, I had corn soup (to die for!) and endive salad with glazed pecans, slivers of pear and yummy gorgonzola. The restaurant is in Chatham (NJ) and is called Serenade. I left knowing that my career is in good hands, I have a new friend, and I don’t need a thing for dinner!


  1. Margo on August 24, 2006 at 4:55 pm

    If it were me, I’d HAVE to have dessert for dinner….

  2. Diane on August 24, 2006 at 7:17 pm

    LOL. waiting for my sister to come home for a meeting before i attack the ice cream in the freezer.

  3. Brenda on August 27, 2006 at 5:03 pm

    Are you with a new publisher and a new agent?
    I am going to try to work on the novel next summer when this degree is finished-however if I am close to Master’s plus 30 hours-I might have to take another class the fall of 2007…
    The Vietnam period novel…the boring one.

  4. Diane Chamberlain on August 27, 2006 at 5:35 pm

    Same publisher, new agent.
    Well, whenever you’re ready, that novel will be there waiting for you to perk it up!

  5. brenda on September 4, 2006 at 9:30 am

    When I go to NYC to meet my son for the marathons–there is a little bistro/sandwich shop on a corner around Broadway-don’t ask-that I absolutely love-inexpensive and delicious and wide choice for this vegetarian. While I am readying myself to get my place to watch the end of the marathon-I go into a little bistro/expensive near that end at Central Park-it is delicious…
    Nathan and I went to ?Rosie’s on a Friday night, but I wasn’t hungry…just no appetite…he had a delicious meal-probably chicken or fish-I thought a little pricey but not for NYC…
    If you go to Myrtle Beach where I have gone on vacations since 1973 and lived from 1994-1999-let me give you the best, most inexpensive places to eat…I know that place in and out…
    D.C.-lived there one summer to study Shakespeare
    London-this summer-I know the very veryinexpensive places….
    I don’t really get into FOOD–but one picks up-as I am sure you guys have…
    I am off to spend the day with my son–shopping and driving an hour or so to check out another “race” site in case he does it next year…
    Have to call the little granddaughters first…
    Some of my friends and I (esp. the online bookclub from all over the country-what we have in common is ME…they all know me–and that’s how I discovered Diane-one of my friends rec. one of her books and I was HOOKED for life) plan to meet one day in NYC and talk books, eat and see a show.
    (Nathan takes me to two each time we go…one I choose and one he chooses…he likes Chicago-and you can imagine why…the girls…

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