The Licker

I have a behavioral problem with Jet. He’s an obsessive licker, truly orally fixated. He’s very sweet and friendly, so people initially love him, but once he starts licking their legs, their arms, their hands—any      explosed patch of skin, he loses favor with them. My youngest stepdaughter, Caitlin, has been visiting from California for the last few days.

c and j true 1.jpgHere, she has no idea that Jet is planning his attack.
c and j 2.jpgThe Kiss.
c and j 3.jpgThe revulsion. Any ideas on how to deal with this problem short of a tongue-ectomy?


  1. Lori on July 24, 2006 at 11:34 pm

    Hi Diane-
    We have a miniature poodle, Taffy, who’s loves to lick. When she’s not licking others
    she is licking her paws! She is 9 years old and I have found nothing that really
    keeps her from loving everyone so much. My daughter actually considers it a foot
    massage! Not so sure about that, but it’s nice to know someone else has a dog with
    the same issue!
    Lori from Lynnwood, Wa.
    PS: She also likes to lick our other two dogs!

  2. Margo on July 24, 2006 at 11:34 pm

    Diane…I LOL when I read this…our Kramer does the same thing!!…CONSTANTLY…last nite we got home from a long, hot day selling my art at a festival and took showers to get clean and refreshed and had just settled into bed when Kramer plopped himself between us and licked and licked and licked us all over…we love him so much but I felt like I needed to take another bath!!…we’re so use to it now it doesn’t matter… we think he’s like that because he loves us so much and is so happy to have a home and if that’s what makes him happy, so be it…LOVE the pics of Jet & Caitlin…PRECIOUS…

  3. diane on July 24, 2006 at 11:39 pm

    first, something weird happened to the comments on this post. they disappeared! so i’m reinserting them from where they’re collected by my email, but for some reason a couple of my responses aren’t there. so i will try to remember what i said. and this better not happen again!!!!!!!!!!! wish i knew how to prevent it.
    anyhow: lori, guess i don’t have the only licker dog around. and yes, jet likes to lick keeper when no human is available, and keeper doesn’t seem to mind a bit.
    margo, i think kramer’s a very lucky rescue dog. but i really want to know about the art festival. how did it go?

  4. margo on July 24, 2006 at 11:40 pm

    I was really pleased with the art festival…sold several paintings and was given 2 commissions that I’m really thrilled about (1 commission is to paint 2 adorable bulldog portraits which I have experience at)…I can hardly wait to meet the 2 bulls!!…art festivals give me the opportunity to meet all kinds of people with so many different stories to tell…I can’t tell you how many parrot stories I heard yesterday…I never realized how many people have macaws for pets!!…I’ve always wanted a hyacinth blue macaw but not a good idea with Kramer…so, I paint them instead……(-:

  5. diane on July 24, 2006 at 11:40 pm

    Ah, that’s like me writing about places I want to be. Can’t be there, so I can pretend. . . That’s one of the best parts of being creative. We can pretend, just like we did in childhood, and no one will make fun of us for it.

  6. Brenda on July 24, 2006 at 11:41 pm

    No answer as to the licking. We have always had a dog and it seems that we taught them not to do that from the beginning-but we have been lucky…our first was only part Schnauzer, the next was a full breed S as is this one–they listen to commands really well…so no problem.
    Molly Ariel-our present one-is so trained that she does not leave the Family Room-that is almost unbelievable…don’t know how that happened.
    I DO THINK that usually if a visitor tells a dog to do something or shoos it away, it eventually goes (I have found this when I visit others who have dogs)–not so with CATS. My daughter, my son, and I are extremely allergic to cats-not just sneezing-but my throat actually starts to close-and I get hoarse…I can’t seem to make friends understand that I cannot be around cats….theythink everyone should like their cats…sorry…but when one is severly allergic…well….same with DOGS of course…
    Sounds like YOUR dog is very sweet and likes people-Diane…

  7. diane on July 24, 2006 at 11:41 pm

    he is a sweetie, and i probably should have trained this out of him by now. i’m working on it! my stepdaughter is similarly allergic to cats, as i know many people are. it’s no laughing matter. why is it that people who haven’t experienced an allergy or other illness tend to disbelieve those who suffer from it?

  8. Krysia on July 25, 2006 at 11:01 am

    My puppy Winston, he’s about 7 months old and he loves kissing. The couch is his domain and he looks a lot like Jet when getting ready for the attack. Winston is a character all his own. He’s lazy, sleeps all day. I kiss him a lot on his head and he always has to throw in his tongue when I am done, I just laugh and tell him I know he loves me he doesn’t have to kiss me and he doesn’t. He’s also a jelous boy. If Brian (my fiance) hugs me he has to be in the middle. He likes to cuddle too and doesn’t mind being laid on. He’s all in all a good puppy. Right now we are sharing a bagel for breakfast.

  9. diane on July 25, 2006 at 12:50 pm

    a puppy! i love puppies. they smell so good.
    jet is also a very jealous dog. if other dogs are around and keeper shows any interest in them, jet “attacks” keeper. i think he’s responsible for a wound on keeper’s rump, which resulted in a $1000 surgery last year. i’m not sure about that, but the evidence is pretty incriminating. (you can check out my reason for thinking jet’s the culprit on my former blog (the link’s under my profile pic), the november 16th, 2005 post. don’t leave comments on the old blog, though, because i’ll never see them).
    what does winston look like?

  10. Krysia on July 25, 2006 at 2:21 pm

    He’s all black with a white plus sign on his chest. He’s supposed to be rat terrier/sheltie cross but he looks like a lab. He’s a brute, when he sits I can pet his head (i’m not all that tall myself) and on hind legs he licks me in the face. Click on my name and you can see a picture of him, provided it works….

  11. Margo on July 25, 2006 at 2:28 pm

    Oh, I love his eyes Krysia…thx for sharing the pic…

  12. diane on July 25, 2006 at 2:51 pm

    oh, i wish i hadn’t seen his picture! it’s too hard to see him when i can’t hug him. he is very, very adorable.

  13. Krysia on July 25, 2006 at 6:27 pm

    You are more than welcome to take him for a weekend 🙂 I’ll pack his bag and send him! I just pulled him out from behind the futon, I think he forgets how big he is and that he can’t crawl under there anymore.

  14. diane on July 25, 2006 at 7:41 pm

    LOL. When i first got keeper, he got stuck under my very large and heavy sleigh bed. i could NOT get him out; he must have rolled under it in his sleep and needed to be on his side to slide out, but of course, he wouldn’t get on his side. i was just about ready to get the car jack when i finally managed to turn him. they keep us busy!

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