The Media Wall

 before.JPG before                     after after.JPG
It’s been nearly a year since we moved into our house in North Carolina and we still don’t have it fixed up as we’d like (or I guess I should say, as I’d like). You walk into the large living room through the front door and it looks something like a used furniture store.
Since we watch so many movies, we splurged on a big screen TV and couldn’t find a piece of furniture that would accomodate it along with the CDs, LPs, and media equipment. Since we’ve combined households, John and I now have about a million CDs and DVDs between us. Plus John has 17 1/2 linear feet of LP’s. (translation for you younger readers, vinyl record albums).
So we bit the bullet and hired a guy who came up with a design that really fits our needs. This past week, the unit was installed and it’s fantastic. We still have some work to do on it. (More grommets to get rid of the visible wiring, glass for the doors, and something decorative for the space above the TV–stained glass, maybe?), but what a difference this makes. The big drawers will fit plenty of John’s LPs and racks inserted into the cabinets will hold the CDs. I can’t wait to get my CDs out of the boxes they’ve been in for a year! I have loads of soundtracks that I use as background music while writing (more on that later) and it will be so good to hear them again.

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