BAY AT MIDNIGHT in Paperback

Just another couple of months! I’ve heard from many of you that you can’t wait for BAY to be reissued in paperback. It will be on sale in trade paperback size on August 29th. The same cover as the hardcover–which I really think goes well with the story.
  The Bay at Midnight cover-Diane Chamberlain1.jpg     


  1. Tara Green on July 6, 2006 at 11:48 am

    This is great news!

  2. Joyce Whitley on July 6, 2006 at 7:38 pm

    I just finished this book and loved it! Once again you hit home in relating your book in a very personal way to my life. I loved the creative perspective you took in your writing. I can’t wait to get the paperback to add it to my collection (My Obsessive Compulsive tendencies require all the books be the same size so they look neat and tidy on the bookshelf). Thank you for making such wonderful stories that keep me glued to the books.

  3. Diane Chamberlain on July 6, 2006 at 7:42 pm

    Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed BAY, Joyce. I’m so glad. . . but I’m afraid I might have bad news for your obsessive-compulsive tendencies: BAY is coming out in TRADE-sized paperback. That’s the size KEEPER OF THE LIGHT was, about 8″ x 5″. I love that size book and they’ve become very popular because they’re not as heavy as a hardcover, but the type is larger and the book has a good feel to it, at least in my opinion. I hope you’ll make space for it on your shelf, because I’ll have several more coming out in that size as well. Thus, you’ll soon have a nice and tidy row of trade-sized books.

  4. Gloria Bernal - California on July 8, 2006 at 12:45 pm

    Loved this book, and since it looks as if my hard cover was loaned out and lost 🙁
    I will re-buy it. It is a keeper, as are all of your books, Diane – I have a “Chamberlain shelf” in my personal library. I do like the trade paperback size really well, it is very comfortable to read. I am pleased it will have the same cover design. Any chance of Breaking the Silence, or Reflection (favorites of mine) coming out in that size paper-back?

  5. Diane Chamberlain on July 8, 2006 at 2:17 pm

    hi gloria,
    i’m so pleased you like the trade sized paperback. i think it’s the wave of the future. . . or at least the wave of ‘right now’. as for BREAKING THE SILENCE and REFLECTION coming out in trade, there are no plans at this time. publishers usually wait until an author sells zillions of new books to reissue the old ones, so the more new ones i sell, the sooner that will happen! i look forward to having the older ones reissued because i get so many requests for them.

  6. Brenda on July 23, 2006 at 8:11 pm

    As to covers-I suppose they are totally important to many…but my favorite books when growing up: GONE WITH THE WIND and LITTLE WOMEN-no covers…in fact when I read everything I could get my hands on–the books had plain covers…now I choose my favorite authors and genres…
    I can remember reading Trixie Belden…and those types of books-still have the books my children read-and now my granddaughters are reading them…
    My daughter was reading LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE books in First grade…
    Do any of you remember the FIRST books you read with anything referring to sex???I remember in HIGH SCHOOL, we found Frank Yerby…we were astonished….they were in the library-and we were shocked.
    Now-today I don’t know what would shock most of us-but I still do not like really explicit sexual scenes-after all-leaving much to the imagination is what reading is all about sometimes…
    That is not to say that I refrain from reading or buying books of my FAVORITES-that often have a little too much sex in them-but I don’t like the ones that concentrate on sex instead of the love scenes…etc.
    ONE OF MY FAVORITE GENRES-besides this type-mysteries…
    Joanne Dobson writes some great mysteries-she is a professor-and I like hers because one relates to Poe, one to Dickinson, etc…
    Got off the subject-covers to sex???? Give me a break….
    I am rambling…

  7. Diane Chamberlain on July 23, 2006 at 10:10 pm

    Oh, I loved Trixie Belden too, Brenda! She had that friend Honey and the guy she liked, Jim. Wonderful stories.
    First book with sexual content was called A STONE FOR DANNY FISHER by Harold Robbins. All my friends were passing it around. It wasn’t a story focused on sex (I believe Danny was a Jewish boxer and it was sad and somber) but it had some graphic parts to it. I had to hide it from my parents, which made it even more exciting.
    The Joanne Dobson mysteries sound interesting. I’ll check her out.

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