Posts Tagged ‘writers’
How a Jersey Girl Became a Southern Writer
I was recently invited to write a guest post for the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance blog, and I wrote about my transition from Jersey Girl to Southern Writer. You can read the post here , and I offer it with apologies to everyone in New Jersey, especially my family, my friends and my agent. You…
Read MoreWhy We Write About What We Write About
Do you have a favorite author? And if you do, have you noticed how often the same themes emerge in his or her work? Oh, the stories might be very different from one another, but if you stop to think about them,…
Read MoreMissing the Reunion
Okay, the first thing I want to know is, how the heck did I ever get my hair so straight? I must have worked on it for hours and hours with the ol’ iron, ironing board, and soda can rollers. Last night was my high school reunion, and I couldn’t go. I really, really wanted to,…
Read More"Aren't Writers Rich?" Talking Bucks
I am often asked how much money I make. Seriously, I am. This may occur in a private conversation with (or email query from) a fledgling author, or it may occur at a reading I’m giving at a library or bookstore in front of a hundred people. Do strangers ask those of you who are teachers,…
Read MoreThe Visual Thesaurus
As I continued my hunt for the perfect title, I paid a visit to my profile over at Red Room is a great place to connect with authors, and my blog appears on my profile page over there as well as here on my website. Several people on Red Room offered title ideas for “the book…
Read MoreA Gift for Those of you who Write
My neighborhood bookclub met tonight to discuss Julie and Julia, by Julie Powell. (For those of you who don’t know, twenty-nine-year-old Julie Powell set a goal of making every recipe in Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking–all in one year, in a tiny apartment in New York. Lots of stocks made from scratch,…
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