Rules for Becoming a Full-Time Writer

For my blog post today, I’m stealing something Kasey Michaels wrote on the Novelists, Inc authors’ loop–with her permission of course. This was in response to a writer who is about to quit her day job to write full time. So much of what Kasey says resonates with me. Some of it makes me nod…

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Resolution Time!

I’m a believer in resolutions. I don’t always keep them, but there’s something about that “fresh start feeling” that has great appeal to me. I have a slew of resolutions this year. Here goes: -Work at writing as though it’s a 9 to 5 job.  This may sound like a no-brainer, especially to those of you…

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"Aren't Writers Rich?" Talking Bucks

I am often asked how much money I make. Seriously, I am. This may occur in a private conversation with (or email query from) a fledgling author, or it may occur at a reading I’m giving at a library or bookstore in front of a hundred people. Do strangers ask those of you who are teachers,…

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