Lady Alice is Quite a Lady Alice

When I work on a manuscript, I take shortcuts. For example, one of my characters in my work-in-progress is named Rebecca, so I have my Word software set so that when I type “reb”, it actually types Rebecca. The same with my character Dorothea. I type “doro” and Word types Dorothea. (On a side note: my…

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Vacations, Beach Books, and a Summertime Contest

I love having a new book out in time for summer! My readers and friends have been sending me pictures of themselves reading my books on the beach, and nothing could make me happier. I write for many reasons (I don’t think I could stop, for one), but my primary reason is to entertain, so I…

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Gimme Shelter: The Winner!

Well, my loyal readers, you outdid yourselves this time! I’ve never had such an enormous response to one of my blog questions, and you made my job extremely difficult. You offered many, many ideas that would work well as a name for my fictional spit of water-logged land, and I had a hard time choosing. It was Glen,…

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For You Thriller Readers Out There

I’ve invited thriller author Stacey Cochran to chat with us today. I met Stacey a few years ago when he and I spoke about publishing on a panel at Quail Ridge Books here in Raleigh. He’s such a nice guy, it’s hard to believe he could possibly write such scary books! Without further ado, here’s Stacey.…

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Speaking to Book Clubs (Anywhere!)

Do you know that I speak to bookclubs via speakerphone? There have been some weeks when I make a call every single night. I always promise 20 minutes, but I have so much fun talking that I may ramble on for 30. The time just flies by. This week I spoke with a book club…

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My Curious Readers

Today I received an email jam-packed with questions from a reader, so I thought I’d take this opportunity to answer her questions along with some of the others I’ve recently received. Here we go!   Q. I love your books and when I tell my friends about them, they ask what category they are in and I never…

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Speaking at Quail Ridge Books

  I always love speaking at Quail Ridge, one of my two favorite Independent Bookstores (the second being Quarter Moon Books in Topsail Beach). Quail Ridge does a good job getting the word out and it has a wonderful setup for the audience. I had such a good time. My favorite part of a speaking…

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