Giving Thanks

  As I wait to hear from my publisher, I think it’s time for me to focus on all I have to be thankful for. It’s always easy to dwell on what’s wrong instead of what’s right, isn’t it? So here goes: I’m employed, when so many people are not. What a difficult holiday season it…

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We Have a Title! (And a Winner)

Thank you to my readers who offered new titles for After the Storm! It was a grueling process, going back and forth between author, agent, editor, and the publisher’s marketing department, but we’ve finally settled on Secrets She Left Behind. If you check out the comments to the original post, you’ll see that our frequent commenter, Denise, actually…

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Titles: Your Opinions?

My publisher has decided, wisely I believe, that the title for my June ’09 book, After the Storm, is problematic. It is the sequel to Before the Storm, and even within the publishing house itself, the title has given rise to confusion as people try to recall which book they’re talking about. In addition, it’s a title…

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