Some Stuff About Kiss River

Kiss River is the middle book of the Keeper of the Light trilogy and I’m happy that my publisher is giving the whole trilogy a second life by re-releasing the books one by one. The first book, Keeper of the Light, came out in April. Kiss River was published today. And the final book, Her…

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My Newly Designed Website

My web peeps just updated my website and I love it! They incorporated one of John’s photos into the background, which makes it feel really personal to me. The featured book on the home page is now Kiss River and you can click on the cover to read chapter one if you like. Kiss River, a re-issue, is the middle…

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Sneak Peek at the Kiss River Cover

Not only can you peek at the cover, you can even pre-order it (along with the book!) at Amazon or Barnes and Noble or your local bookstore. Kiss River, in case you don’t know, is the middle book of the Keeper of the Light trilogy set in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. You can…

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Keeper of the Light is Back

I know you’re not supposed to love some of your children more than others, but I can’t help it. Keeper of the Light has always been one of my favorites of my books. It was originally published in hardcover in 1992 and mass market paperback in 1993, then reissued about ten years ago in trade…

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Breaking the Silence is Here!

I’m thrilled that Breaking the Silence has been reissued so that my newer readers get to enjoy this suspenseful story. It should be available today, November 24th, online and in stores, and you can read an exerpt from it here. (If your book store doesn’t have it, remember that they can order it for you…

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Good Things Come in Threes

No, I didn’t just become the lucky owner of three Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (aren’t they adorable?), but I did just sign a new three-book contract with my publisher. I knew it was coming and have been at work on Book One for quite a while, but it doesn’t feel real until I actually sign…

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A Name for Every Day of the Year

Time to talk about names again! I mentioned a while back that my assistant was going through my books, creating a spreadsheet of all the names I’ve used so that I can exercise caution when naming new characters. She’s finished, just in time for me to start naming a new crop of folks for my…

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Coming up with Book Titles

Naming a character is one thing. Naming an entire book is quite another. This is much on my mind as I toy with titles for my new, fledgling work-in-progress. I jot them down in the dark as I’m falling asleep, and they seem so brilliant then. In the light of day, though, they often lose their sparkle.  I…

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