Posts Tagged ‘brainstorming’
Brainstorming Brilliance
Omigod, what a great brainstorming session! I finished the draft of the first half of my work in progress today, knowing it was just not right, but keeping my writing friend Mary Kay Andrew’s words of wisdom in mind (“You can’t rewrite what you haven’t written”). Then I gave it to my sig other John…
Read MoreWorking at Weymouth
I’m with my writer buds on our twice yearly retreat to the beautiful Weymouth Center for the Arts, where writers are allowed to come and work for free. Margaret Maron’s missing because of her accident (and we’re missing her!), but the rest of us–Mary Kay Andrews, Katy Munger, Sarah Shaber, Alexandra Sokoloff, Brenda Witchger and…
Read MoreAnd Then There were Five
Second full day on Tybee Island. 6 pages so far toward my daily goal of 10. Margaret snapped this pic of me happily typing away. One of my characters whom I pictured staid and reserved and very serious, turns out to be irreverent and a little kooky. I’m glad she didn’t wait any longer to let me…
Read MoreAll By Myself
People sometimes ask me how I deal with the isolation of writing. I’ve recently been in touch with a former co-worker from my days as a hospital social worker and communicating with her reminds me of what it was like to work with other people. It’s been a long time since I’ve done that! The…
Read MoreWe Could be Anywhere. . .
Bren and I are still at the beach. We’ve been out of the house exactly once, and probably won’t leave it again until we’re ready to take off for home on Thursday. That’s because we’ve been working up a storm! I came up with my brand new idea. I have loads and loads of details…
Read MoreThe Burial
Well, there’s killing your babies, as I discussed a couple of posts ago. Then there’s burying them, and that’s what I’m doing with my Work-in-Progress. Some of you voted on titles for it (I was, for the time being, calling it The Glimmer Child), and you know how excited I was about it as I…
Read MoreThe Visual Thesaurus
As I continued my hunt for the perfect title, I paid a visit to my profile over at Red Room is a great place to connect with authors, and my blog appears on my profile page over there as well as here on my website. Several people on Red Room offered title ideas for “the book…
Read MoreWriting While Driving
Years ago, while working on my fourth book, Keeper of the Light, I hired writing consultant Peter Porosky to help me brainstorm the plot and structure. I lived in Virginia at the time, and Peter lived nearly an hour’s drive away from me in Maryland. He’d read my initial outline and we got right down to work, talking…
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