Thank you, Target!

cover-ceecee trade - Copy.jpg

This weekend, The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes officially became the summer Bookclub Pick for Target’s Bookmarked program! If you have a minute, pop over to Target’s Bookclub site, click on the cover, and see what a great job Target and my publisher did in creating a lovely showcase for CeeCee. I’m excited that one of my stories–one that’s very close to my heart–has the chance to reach so many new readers. I feel like a very lucky writer today!


  1. Margo on June 17, 2008 at 8:31 am

    I’m so happy for you Diane. THE SECRET LIFE OF CEECEE WILKES was spellbinding and seeing it on Target’s bookclub website makes me want to revisit those characters again. I’ve given the book to many as gifts and I plan on giving more. (-:

  2. brenda on June 17, 2008 at 8:35 am

    For some reason, I can’t get to the site. I am at Miami Beach using the wireless connection-I will try later…am so excited about the book. I flew to my son’s on Sunday-a long trip with delays…yesterday, believe it or not, I just rested…when he arrived home from work, he took me to the library and out to eat…fun…tonight, my daughter and her girls arrive for a week…we will have fun… (I am here for two weeks). He is already talking about my coming in August-but will be a short trip. It is beautiful here and the weather perfect. I might go on the beach today-right out the door-but yesterday just too tired to move. Am having some health issues also as usual…take care-keep reading. I finished Karen Kingsbury’s latest last night-pretty good. Have any of you read it-about foster children-an issue close to my heart.
    I know that once the little ones arrive, it will be the beach and pool 24/7…

  3. Margo on June 17, 2008 at 10:10 am

    Brenda, I couldn’t get to the site thru Diane’s link either so I just typed in and got in that way…clicked on books and it brought up the bookclub selection CEECEE WILKES. Haven’t read K Kingsbury before…finished BEFORE THE STORM last week and am anxiously waiting for Diane’s sequel. Meanwhile I started Luanne Rice’s LIGHT OF THE MOON. Enjoy the beach Brenda (-:

  4. Gina on June 17, 2008 at 10:40 am

    I got thru to the site no problem thru Diane’s link. That is so very cool Diane, about Target choosing your book for their club pick. I loved that book. It was one that had me spellbound and couldn’t put down.
    Congratulations to you! This is fabulous news.

  5. Diane Chamberlain on June 17, 2008 at 12:00 pm

    Hmm, not sure why some of you are having problems with the link. It goes directly to the “Bookmarked” section of Target’s site, but you can try Margo’s method if you’re having trouble: go to and in the box where it says “all products,” scroll down to books and click.
    Brenda, take care of yourself!

  6. brenda on June 17, 2008 at 4:19 pm

    Thanks Margo! That worked. Diane-it is great great great!!!!! Target-my favorite!!!
    I will write a review later-similar to Amazon…
    Good for you!!!!

  7. brenda on June 17, 2008 at 4:31 pm

    Just an aside-although this is the ONLY BLOG on which I check and write regularly, I do read Julie’s and Kathy’s-just can’t get logged in there for some reason…just as well…I spend enough time on the computer-anyway-for those of you who do not read Julie and Kathy-who post on this website faithfully-they are intriguing…often funny…as to Julie’s tennies-that was a new one on me…you’ll have to read her website to find out…(Diane-you have faithful followers-including many authors…)

  8. Glen on June 18, 2008 at 5:12 pm

    Congrats Diane!!! They did do a good job.
    I was in CostCo this past Sunday and to my delight there was a stack of “Before the Storm”. Naturally I re-organized their display to move them from the middle of the stack to the front of the table :). I didn’t want anybody to just “ovelook” them.
    See Ya!

  9. brenda on June 18, 2008 at 7:43 pm

    Okay Margo…the rain has hit Miami Beach. My daughter and her girls left her county-disaster-in Indy…to come to Miami…it has rained since they arrived…flood watch…this weather…
    Diane-saw a lady checking out one of your books at library!!! I told her and others there-you are the best…

  10. Diane Chamberlain on June 18, 2008 at 9:59 pm

    Hey Glen, can I hire you to travel across the country and move my books around for me, please? LOL. I appreciate the help!
    Brenda, I love hearing about people checking out my books. Yay, libraries!
    I stopped in Target today and saw the endcap display. It sure is pretty. I wish I’d had a camera with me, but I didn’t know I’d be there so was empty-handed.
    I’d better get back to revisions. I’m definitely working up a sweat on this sequel. I’ll post about it soon.

  11. Krysia on June 18, 2008 at 11:26 pm

    I miss Target πŸ™
    It is nice they are carrying the book, but I won’t get to see the display. Little man will be gracing our presence next week. He is being stubborn like his mom and won’t move down so I have to have a C-section. I’m hoping I can do it before next weekend. I can’t wait for him to be here.
    I started Before the Storm. It’s good so far. I’m only on chapter 2 but Dr told me I needed to slow down, so I did a little bit.

  12. Margo on June 19, 2008 at 8:27 am

    Krysia, I’ll be thinking about you next week! My friend also will be having her triplets next Tues by C-sec. Brenda, sorry about all the rain in Florida…we must have sent it to you from Iowa. We’ve been fortunate to have sunshine for the last few days & it’s helping to dry things up. LOL Glen…I do the same thing at the bookstore and move Diane’s books if I think they should be in a better place (-: Diane, I can’t wait to hear a little about the sequel!

  13. Julie on June 19, 2008 at 3:13 pm

    I was in California last week and didn’t have much time reading, but I did get to start reading Before the Storm FINALLY while waiting for the plane last night. (I had read the sample chapter on the website, though.) It was such fun to see Margo’s name in the acknowledgements! And of course, I did feel special as one of the faithful blog readers. πŸ™‚
    We had a plane delay (of course) so I made it through five chapters, I think. Enjoying it so much thus far. I must have looked at Target and Costco a few days too early because they didn’t have it yet, but I found it at Borders before I left town. I called to ask if it was stocked yet, and the girl couldn’t find it, so I went and looked myself–it was on the new fiction shelf, facing out, so of course it wasn’t on the regular shelf. πŸ™‚
    Glad to be back home … ready to get back to work on my own book!

  14. brenda on June 19, 2008 at 3:15 pm

    Diane-I agree with Margo-no pressure or anything, but I am eager for hints.
    Sunny today…enjoyed a trip through the Everglades-was able to take a bus tour on the route that my son drives each Saturday during training. When I saw the alligators across the road-I started to worry. πŸ™‚
    Unfortunately, the littlest granddaughter is sick this afternoon, so she can’t enjoy the sun and water…
    Krysia-good luck…keep us informed if you have time to get to a computer in the next few weeks.

  15. brenda on June 21, 2008 at 12:31 pm

    Diane-am I missing something? I do not see the place on this website that lists where you are appearing…On the old one, I remember there was a section…

  16. Diane Chamberlain on June 21, 2008 at 1:42 pm

    Krysia, oh wow! I have a feeling we won’t be hearing much from you for a while. I hope everything goes smoothly for you.
    Julie, glad you were able to find Before the Storm and that you’re enjoying it. I like that it’s on the “new fiction” shelf, but duh. . . you’d think the store employee would know that, wouldn’t you? Hope your own book is going well.
    Brenda, just what you need–a new worry (your son being eaten by alligators!) I do worry that people will miss the events section on my new website. Look at the bottom where it has the next event listed. You click there and it takes you to the full list.

  17. brenda on June 23, 2008 at 4:37 pm

    I found it!!! I was looking at the top. I have a friend in my online bookclub-we are hoping to meet in NC sometime when you are signing…
    As to the alligators-well…the bugs got us as we were spraying…
    I am enjoying the trip even though the girls fly out tomorrow…I am also apprehensive about my new job in the fall-my alma mater-with three new principals…that is frightening…
    If any of you are teachers, email me…I have some great opportunities that I have enjoyed as a teacher-NEH seminars and institutes…email me at

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